I missed you too

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Y/n's POV:
Omg this whole summer was so fun! There was just one thing that bothered me at camp though I made lots of friends at camp, but I miss the group.
Luckily there is only one more week left! There no phones aloud unfortunately, I would be FaceTiming.

Tom's POV:
Me and the group had a great summer but it would have been more fun and great with y/n though..
I haven't spoke to her in a long time, we never talk anymore. Actually she doesn't talk to any of us anymore. But I hope we start talking again and have classes together for this year.

Time skip 1 week:

Y/n's POV:
Omg finally a week passed, I'm so excited to go home and see my family and including my best friends (Tom,Bill,George,and Gustav)
I'm getting on the bus now and it's only 3 hours away from home so it's ok. I sat alone in the back because it's more peaceful and I can have the whole seat to my self.
I am just listening to music on the way back while I rest my head on the window .
It started to rain so that was even more awesome. I fell asleep for the rest of the ride.

Time skip to 3 hours later:

Y/n's POV:
I woke up to the bus being hit on the brakes, I looked outside the window and saw it was my house we were at. I quickly got up and got out the bus and waved to all my friends goodbye.
I was finally home. I ran to my house door and rang the door bell like 7 times until someone answered, it was my mom. When she opened the door I almost cried of happiness when I saw her, she was so happy to see me and I got inside and went upstairs to put my stuff down.
I went up to Flynn's room and barged in.
"Hey, have you heard of knocking?" He said before turning to the door which is where I was.
"Nice seeing you too after the 3 months" I said sarcastically. "Omg y/n! I missed you so much kiddo" he said rubbing my head with his knuckles harshly. "I'm not a kid anymore and your only two years older than me" I said to him with a stupid face. "Yeah yeah, have you talked to your friends?" He asked me. "No not yet" I said "alright now your getting annoying get out of my room love you" he said "wow whatever your room stinks like shit anyway" I said.
I walked to my room to find my phone on my dresser and it was dead so I charged it on my nightstand and while it was charging I went down stairs and mom told me that on Monday is the first day of school (today is Saturday) "Mom I'm gonna go take a walk I'll be back in a hour" I said "okay honey" mom said.
I went on a walk and was just walking when I smelled a delicious warm like fresh baked cookies when I saw the cafe my eyes lit up. I went inside and stand in line because those cookies looked better than they smelt. I ordered my cookies then left the cafe, they smelt so good and looked to appetizing to eat. I had my cookies in a box in my hands and I was just walking home when someone bumped into me making my box of cookies fall to the ground..
I looked up and saw this boy with brown short hair and ripped jeans ugly ones and had a t shirt with a gross graphic text on it. I looked up at him "WTF man! You fucking made me drop my shit you fucking bitch watch where your going!" I said "tf there just fucking cookies idk why your getting so pissed over cookies." He said "THEY COST 23 DOLLARS" I said
"Who pays 23 dollars for fucking cookies?" He said "man just give me 23 dollars and I'll forget it" I said "yeah no I can give you 5 tho" he said "tf you are, give me 23 dollars man"
I said getting more pissed "fine here" he gave me 22 dollars. " wow your that broke you couldn't give me another fucking dollar?" I yelled as he walked away.
I went back home cause I was already close but I was pissed. I open the door to my house and Went up to the couch and threw my self on it. "Hey what happened?" My mom said "you know that cafe around the corner?" I said "yeah what about it?" She said "well I bought a whole box of cookies and they looked so good and I was looking forward to eating them when some stupid ass boy bumped into me and made my cookies fall" "oh damn I'm sorry honey" mom said "it's fine I made him give me 22 dollars" I said "alright honey we'll I'm gonna make dinner so you can go to your room if you want" she said " okay" I went up stairs and got to my room and went on my phone n watched reels. I got bored after some time and went to my brothers room and barged in. "Hey man wtf you scared me" Flynn said " idc, wanna go watch a movie down stairs?" I asked "sure but let me win this game first" he said " I took his controller and started to kill 2 other players and won for my brother cause there were only 2 left anyway. "Uh I wanted to do that" he said awkwardly. "Anyways you won so let's go down stairs Flynn" I said
"Alright alright let's go" he said. We went down stairs and I threw my self on the couch and he did to on the other one. "Okay what movie should we watch?" I said as I had the remote in my hands. "Haha. No give me the remote" he says. We started to argue over the remote when my mom saw us and came over and grabbed the remote from both of our hands. She turned the TV off. "Hey we were gonna watch something!" My brother says "were you gonna watch something or argue over something?" My mom says "...no we were gonna watch something but she had to grab the fucking remote first" my brother said. "EXACTLY I got the remote first not you, stupid ass" " can y'all stop being stupid and go to the table, dinners ready" my mom said. "Alright" me and my brother both said. After we ate my brother got tired and said he didn't wanna watch a movie anymore so he was gonna go to sleep. "But it's fucking 9:37 pm" I said "HEY can y'all stop with that language?!" My mom said "oh yeah sorry mom" I said.
My brother went up to his room as always and I helped my mom with the dishes while she cleaned up the table. "Thanks honey" my mom says "for what?" I said "for helping me dear"
"Oh your welcome mom, I missed you a lot from camp so I wanted to spend time with you right now" I said. "Well I missed you too honey" by the time we were done cleaning it got late so my mom said "I have work tomorrow honey but if I didn't I would watch a movie with you cause I know your brother ditched you" she said "it's okay I don't wanna watch a movie anymore, I'm tired too" I said. I went upstairs to my room and changed into my sleep wear and put my hair into a claw clip.
Like this:

And hair like this:

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And hair like this:

After changing I was just on my phone on Instagram

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After changing I was just on my phone on Instagram. After a while I realized it was late. It was 2:34 AM, and I was already tired so I put my phone down and fell asleep.

The next day.
When I woke up I went on my phone for a few minutes then got up and took and shower and brushed my teeth, after that I did my skin care and makeup and changed into

This and when I was done changing I decided to go down stairs and I found my mom eating some toast and I said "good morning mom" "good morning honey" she said back smiling

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This and when I was done changing I decided to go down stairs and I found my mom eating some toast and I said "good morning mom" "good morning honey" she said back smiling.
She told me she is gonna work late so probably won't be back till 12. "Why don't you call your friends and go to the mall or the movies or something?" She said "that's actually not a bad idea" I said.

Tom Kaulitz x y/n Where stories live. Discover now