Part 6.

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They cornered Beverly in a barbershop, and Edmund took out his handcuffs.

"I've got this." said Edmund,

"Are you sure, Edmund?." replied Heer,

"Yes, I'm sure you can relax now, Heer." said Edmund,

Heer sat down on the chair, and the barber wrapped a big cloth around her. She untied her very long ponytail, and the barber smiled.

He sprayed her hair and combed through her very long hair. He trimmed off Heer's split ends while Edmund handcuffed Beverly.

"Why did you do it, Beverly." replied Heer,

"All of those people swindled me, so it was time to get revenge." said Beverly,

"Money is such a classic murder motive." replied Edmund,

"How do you want me to cut off, miss?." said the barber,

"Surprise me." replied Heer,

"I'll take her down to station, Heer." said Edmund,

"Okay, Edmund." replied Heer, (as the barber divided Heer's hair into sections)

"Let me go, officer." said Beverly,

"Beverly, you committed murder so you are in no position to give orders." replied Edmund,

"Edmund is right, Beverly." said Heer, (the barber giving Heer's hair small and little snips)

He took Beverly away to the station and locked her up in the prison cells at the station until he could make other arrangements for her.

"Beverly is now behind bars at the station." replied Edmund,

"Great." said Heer, (the barber was snipping lots of Heer's hair off)

"Until we can find other arrangements." replied Edmund, 

Edmund's phone rang, and the barber kept carefully snipping Heer's hair. Once Edmund was off the phone and Heer was a bit concerned.

"What happened." said Heer,

"The chief approved for Beverly to be transferred to a secure state prison facility." replied Edmund,

The barber continued to chop Heer's hair, and it was all falling to the ground as it was being snipped and chopped.

"That's good news." said Heer,

"Yeah, but I'm leaving this police force after solving so many cases here. The chief approved for me to be transferred to the state police force in the US." replied Edmund,

"Congratulations." said Heer,

"Thanks." replied Edmund,

"You should be proud of yourself." replied Heer, (the barber was still snipping her hair)

"Now the locals can finally move on after the 15, I mean 16 bodies that kept piling." said Edmund,

"Yep, that's right." replied Heer, (the barber chopped off her long locks)

"And there go your long locks Heer they have now been cut." said Edmund,

She gasped as her long locks were falling to the floor as they were being snipped.

"Oh well, sacrifices have to be made." replied Heer,

"I guess this is goodbye, then Heer." said Edmund,

"Yep, take care of yourself, Edmund." replied Heer,
(the barber chopped off her medium length locks)

"You too, Heer." replied Edmund,

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