-2- I'm going to hell -

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As Luca was about to get up and ready for the day not knowing what about to hit him.
He heard someone at the door, hitting it pretty aggressively, losing him any will to go up and opening it.

But he didn't have to cos his Vater already did being surprised to see a policeman from to next town over about 90 minutes from ther village by car.

Lucas Vater: "good morning sir, may I ask why you're hire on this fin morning"
"Oh yes wonderful morning, is this the Smith resident"
"Yes, I'm mr Smith."
"Well Mr Smith, das a girl with the name Lucy Elizabeth Smith live hire"
"Yes give me a moment I will get you my child"

Living to door and its visitor alona, Lucas Vater was about to kill his kid what did he do this time.

"Luca you better have a good reason why the police is standing in front of my house, or I swear to all that's holy you're going back to your mom and siblings!"
"It wasn't my fault she tried to punch me first"

And before Luca could have said anything more his dad dragged him to the front door to talk to the policeman.

"I'm going to assume you're Lucy?"
"Yes? Why?"
"Well a group of teens went missing last night and you are one of the last people seen with one of them. To be specific Emma Danielson"
"Well sir the last time I sow her was last night at about 10 pm is front of this exact door so I'm probably no help"
"Lucy this information is something, thank you injoy your weekend"

Luca shat the door not thinking about saying anything als to the man outside even if this can be seen as impolite and rude.

Going back to his room Luca decided to not think to much about missing teens, he can't do any thing about that who is he.

Later that day

Luca got a call from a number called "Stella's frend"

"good evening Stella's frend, what do you need?", Luca ask the girl sounding overly friendly.

"Always a pleasure to talk with you Lucy, isn't it", the girl sounding less friendly: "well anyway did you hear about the others, your sadly the only other person who seen them."

"I'm sorry friend of Stella's but I don't know what you want from me?", Luca ask probably knowing what she wants from him.

"I know you know, but I guess you really don't care about them, and I'm the only one worried about our friends", her voice perfectly reflecting her worry

"Those are your friends and if you need help with your idk grieve talk to a therapist and not me", Luca told her emotionless.

"You're a dick you know that", with that the girl just sounds done.

"OKAY, talk to you someday again, maybe, bye!!", Luca ended the call friendly and easy.

After the phone call Luca realized he had gotten some messages las night from some of the girl. (Don't question why he hadn't seen them before the dude was walking Avengers movies.) Now a reasonable person would have thought about going to show them but is Luca reasonable? No, it takes way too long to get there. He will just ignore it and move on with life, he's not concerned those can be important.

He just want back to watching movies until he realized he didn't do his English homework or any other subjects.
It's extremely important to do homework or you could end up a teacher, like teachers always say.

In the end of the day his dad laft for work and he was home alone, and got another call from someone different.

"Hallo a person speaking what may this be?", Luca ask silly.

"You don't need to know Luca, you just need to know I have your friends and your next if you tell anyone!", the person on the other side said.

"O-kay, sooo what do you want from me, cos I think you got the wrong number I don't have friends?", he said confused: "I think you need Stella's frends number, I can give it to you, if you want."

"Dude her name is Anny and no I don't have to wrong number, I just thought you cared about them", the Stanger aperently know her name, interesting.

"Well you were wrong, byeee", Luca ended the call leaving his phone alone for the rest of the night having enough of people for a day or rather a week.

ofter all this we wer made to changeWhere stories live. Discover now