Episode 5

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Next day, 

Ye rim was lying in her bed. She was in her new home in Gyeong ju. She looked at the clock and sighed. She was reluctant to get out of the cozy bed.

"Come on!" she said to herself and got up. 

There was not much for her to do this day so she planned on going to the park and draw beautiful landscapes. She dressed up and took all her art supplies. 

It was 9 AM in the morning. She was drawing the majestic fountain. She was trying to focus on a detail while a young man interrupted her by walking past by the fountain.

"Excuse me! Can't you see i am trying to focus? You could have gone from the behind." she yelled.

"You are still going to blame me when it's you, who is drawing in a public place where everybody is free to move." he replied calmy.

She looked at him out of aggression. When she recognized him, she widened her eyes.

"You're that detective! What was your name Song Jo hyeon?"

"Song Ju hyeon!" he said.

"It's almost the same thing. By the way what are you doing her detective Song?"

"I just came out to take some fresh air. It's hectic to work overtime. What type of bastard is that? How is no one able to catch him?" he said while sitting beside her. 

"Probably he is really perfect. He is quite smart and knows how to clear a crime scene with perfection. What i have noticed while researching is that he is a type of psychopath who likes games, he wants to play games with the police by giving them hints to test their IQ."

"If we wants to compete then why not give an exam with us? This jerk is just taking lives of innocent people. I swear I'll kill him with my own hands."

"Well, how are you so sure that it's a man? like it could be a woman as well?"

"I am certain, how could a woman do such cruel murders. Like their are victims who were physically very strong and the forensic reports showed signs of fighting back.  I don't think  a woman would be that strong and brutal."

"But, you never know. It can by anyone... Would you like to work with me? Let's catch him together." she said.

"As if i have time? Sorry miss, it's not a game for kids. You better draw."

"Are you saying this because i am girl? Well, you don't know my potential."

"If that is so, then let's do it. Let's see who would catch him first. Let's work together. Miss-?"

"Jo Ye rim!"

"Yeah miss Jo ye rim."

It was now midnight. A drunk man was in the park. He was sitting on the swing. Suddenly another person in a black rain coat sat there. Their face could not be seen. It was hard to identify even the gender of the person. 

"Who are you?" said the drunk man.

 "I am your guardian. I think you look quite stressed. Did something happen at the work place?" said the unknown person.

"How did you know? My boss fired me. It wasn't even my fault."

"Oh, is that so? I pity you. You know, i can blow away all your pain in a matter of seconds?" the unknown person smirked. 

"Really? Please do something."


The unknown person suddenly the injected a syringe into the neck of the drunk man and smirked. 

After a while the drunk man opened his eyes and found himself lying on a table. His entire body was tied with ropes and his hands were cuffed. He struggled to move. He tried to use his power but failed immediately. He suddenly head whistles. The sound of the footsteps and the whistles was growing stronger. Suddenly the unknown person arrived. 

The man shouted. "Who are you? What do you want from me?"

"I am the predator and you're my prey." the killer laughed. 

"What? Please let me go. My son and my wife are waiting for me. Please. I beg."

"Shut up. I hate those pitiful cries. You're so weak. You have no place in my world. You're my prey now and I won't let you go. I'll start with less pain and then ill increase the level of torture."

The man was crying and begging for his life. 

The predator took out a sharp knife and began to run it through his legs causing slight cuts. 

"Don't scream yet. I haven't even started with the pain yet. Enjoy it. I am freeing you from all your stress." 

The predator now took a big knife and pushed it directly into the belly button. The blood was now everywhere. The man felt such intense pain that he couldn't make a noise of pain now. The predator now began to stab the same place multiple times. The man had now died. The predator laughed like a maniac. He now moved on to the eyes. He/she gently took out the eyeballs and with a fine tool and  carved out the last two letters 'M' and 'E' as a hint to the police. The predator left a signature on the tongue of the victim by carving a heart and sprayed a chemical which would sustain the carving. 

The predator laughed like a maniac. 

"I am the ruler and everybody is under me. If one disobeys my laws, then he must be punished. I'll spread my fear everywhere. I am enjoying this quite now. Police, are you little babies going to catch me?"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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