as i gaze upon the stars

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October 23, 2023

I read somewhere about a thing called "anniversary reaction" where the body remembers a heavy emotion or feeling a year after even when you do not.

I feel like I'm having one of those, for some reason when October comes, I am always revisiting my past selves. I see entries from years ago dated the same month where I reminisce about the person I once was or stumble upon old journals (like the ones drafted in this account) and read what little old me thought of.

One thing is for certain though, I have and will always document my life in letters. Whether it be addressed to me or the universe, writing my thoughts and feelings is a way for me to the memory of me intact.

It is said that time surpasses human existence and the earth has seen and buried civilizations, the sun that glared when the Pyramids of Egypt were constructed is the same sun that burns my skin today. The moon that glowed over Aristotle is the same moon that lights my dark path. It is also, the same sky that my younger self looked up to with questions about the world and purpose of life.

I exist just like them, I am a person of this plane and the stars will continue to witness my growth.

In a few years, another version of me will come back to this and reminisce just as I have years ago and see how far I have come so I want to leave with this:

Making a mark in the world can also mean a mark for yourself :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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