Headcannons 2

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Ok so hear me out on these

Ship headcannons:

Everytime Pip and Damien get into an argument, Pip locks himself in a room with a cross on the door or makes a circle of salt in the middle of the kitchen and just sits in there so Damien can't get to him, until he's not mad anymore(which can take awhile depending on the argument) but they don't have arguments often

Kyle forces Stan to wash his hair 2 times every week because of his greasy ass hair(I was making fun of Craig and Stan's greasy ass hair last night so I came up with this HC)

Craig and Tweek cuddle every single night which helps Tweek sleep and they started doing this in middle school when they were allowed to go over eachothers house more often

Warning sad HC:

Clyde had an ED(eating disorder) from being called fat and chubby his entire life mainly from his father, and one time Tolkien caught him forcing himself to puke and they had an argument which almost resulted in a breakup but they stayed together, that night Clyde slept on the couch cause he didn't want to be near Tolkien, Tolkien tried to get him to sleep in the bedroom with him but Clyde refused and fhe next day they manged to talk it out and fixed Clyde's eating habits which resulted in no more ED

Butters has a treehouse that one of the neighbour's built for him in a random tree and he only allows Kenny and Karen in, Kenny occasionally takes Karen to the treehouse when he's babysitting her and she loves to play with the pet bunny Butters has and she even got to name it(she named it Bugs like bugs bunny) Butters even gave Kenny a spare key to the treehouse

Warning more sad HC:

Mike and Pete almost broke up due to Pete practically ignoring their entire relationship and only hanging out with the goth kids, even when they were alone Pete barely acknowledged Mike's existence but they managed to fix it after some time together and talking about it

The Craig and Tweek breakup thing almost caused an actual breakup, Larry almost broke up with Micheal because he thought he was the Micheal that Craig "cheated" on Tweek with, that caused a lot of arguments, tears, and almost official breakup but they spent some time away from eachother and Micheal managed to convince Larry that the Micheal wasn't him

Bebe and Wendy have a girls night every other weekend that obky includes the 2 and talk shit, make out, do eachothers makeup, nails and hair which makes them a very healthy couple, so basically dates every other weekend including some dates the go on during the week

Firkle and Ike had gotten into a secret relationship in 6th grade and after 2 years of dating the goths found out by looking through Firkles phone and finding the texts between Firkle and Ike, but the goths weren't the first people to find out, Kyle was the only one who knew since Ike told him by accident when they were dating for 2 weeks

This also takes place when they are around 10-20 years old, you can decide how old they are in these headcannons

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