What Would Have Happened: A Short Story

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When people think of the word love, they believe it is complicated, like stages in a video game, where some levels are more difficult to pass than others. When I think of the word love, I think of it as a road where you will hit a few bumps along the way, but in the end, it is all worth it. My road was very bumpy, but over time, I found love, and my road became smooth again. Now, this is the story of how I met my soulmate. It all started in July 2022; it was a scorching summer day. I was reading a book called "To All the Boys I've Loved Before". I absolutely loved the Protagonist Lara Jean and her "boyfriend" Peter, they were so cute together. I always wanted a high school sweetheart, and it might happen because I'm an upcoming first-year student at my school. Honestly, no one would probably date me because I'm on the bigger side and no one wants to date a girl with dark brown hair, brown eyes, and glasses, but I hope I can find someone who loves me for who I am. School started less than a month ago, and I was stressed out about being one of the managers for the Miller Wolfs Boys' Soccer Team. My dad, one of the coaches, said I should go and meet the boys. So, we left our house and started to drive to the school. On the way, it began to look dark outside, like the clouds looked like they were about to cry. When we got to the school, the team was heading to my dad's art room because there was lightning 5 miles away, which meant they had to wait before they could practice. In the art room, some were practicing passing the ball with each other while others were sitting and waiting. The coaches were talking about a game they had at Foster High School earlier in the day. After that, the boys warmed up by running laps in the hallway before heading outside.

It was time to head outside. The boys were good at practice. I would watch them move the soccer ball in ways I could not move it. After practice ended, my dad introduced me to the boys, and none of them said hi, which made me feel bad. Little did I know that I would develop a crush on one of those boys, but also little did I know that he would later hurt me. I did have a crush on a soccer boy already. His name is Antonio, and he is an upcoming junior, and I have watched him play soccer since 8th grade. He has curly brown hair, green eyes, and glasses. After packing all the equipment, I met the parents of Eli. Eli was one of the soccer boys, he had blue eyes that reminded me of clear ocean water, and he had blonde hair but wasn't noticeable because his hair was shaved. I met his mom, and she gave me a dirty look which made me uncomfortable, while his dad was super friendly. His mom asked my dad about something,

"Do you need me to bring snacks for the team or do you need me to help with the team?". My dad said,

"No, because we have a manager who could help at practice, but you could bring snacks."

She looked at me again and gave me a dirty look after we talked to Eli's parents. Me and my dad headed home for the night.

A few weeks passed, and I developed a slight crush on Eli. My family knew about my crush on him, and a few of my friends from middle school. One of my friends, Madi, told me to be careful around Eli because he could use me for attention, and she remembered me telling her that he is an upcoming junior. A couple of days after that, it was my first day as a first-year student in high school. It went great, and I had a blast. Three girls approached me at practice the next day, saying they were helping manage the team with me this year. I taught the girls some of the basics. One of the girls, Addie, was friends with Eli. Something about Addie was off, it was like she wasn't trustful. We talked about him, and I learned a lot about him that I did not know about. I did end up telling her that I liked him, and she told me not to because he is not the guy he seems to be. She also told me that Eli's mom does not like females. After practice, I went home with my dad thinking about what Addie had told me.

Over the next two months, Eli started to treat me rudely. At this point, he did find out that I liked him. He began to use me for attention by talking behind my back. My friends on the other hand did have my back if he did something rude. Addie was trying to help me, but knowing she was friends with him made the situation a little tricky. In the end, we both stopped communicating with him.

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