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It was a cold autumn day. Lily was out for a walk around the neighborhood, leaves crunching under her feet as she walked. It was a lovely day out from her perspective. Little did she know, something life changing was about to happen. Lily was on her way back home when she noticed something. There was a truck at the house next to hers. A man and a teenager got out the the front seats of the truck. The man was 5'8 with a large curly beard, buzz cut hair and dad body. The girl, on the other hand, was 4'7 with short, curly brown hair and brown eyes. The girl noticed Lily and approached her.
"Hey!" The girl said. "I'm Tessa. What's your name?" Tessa asked.
Stunned by how sudden this was, Lily stammered out her name.
"L-Lily-" She seemed nervous at how sudden this was.
"That's a nice name! Well, Lily, I am your new neighbor!" Tessa stuck out her hand for a handshake.
Still dazed about the suddenness of this all, Lily shook Tessa's hand.
"So," Tessa started "Any cool places around here?" Tessa asked.
"Uh- yeah actually. Westburrow park is a nice place to go for just about anything." Lily replied.
"Cool! I'll have to ask my dad if I can go there" Tessa said happily.
Lily smiled "Well, it was nice to meet ya Tessa! I'm gonna head into my place. Let me know if you guys need help, ok?" Lily said.
"Sure thing, Lily!" Tessa replied as Lily went into her house.
Lily looked at the time.
"4:45 already?!" Lily exclaimed.
"Shoot! I was supposed to get ready for the family reunion!" Lily said, very worried.
She looked at herself in the mirror.
"Fuck it. I'll go like this!" She darted out of her room and out of the house, sprinting down the street like a bat out of hell. She arrived at her grandma's house at around 5:01 PM. She walked into the house, panting from how far she had to run. She went out back and stayed until 9:05 PM, walking home at around 9:08 after saying goodbye to everyone. As she got back to her house and plopped down on her bed, she mumbled to herself.
"Today was a good day.. I'm excited for tomorrow." She said, getting up and ready for bed. A few minutes later, she layed down in bed, falling asleep quickly.

Writers note: I might not continue this, but it was an idea I had! If you want me to try and continue this, I'll definitely try!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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