The Deal

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Prince Zen and Kiki went upstairs to sleep shortly after dinner, leaving me with Mitsuhide and Obi in the main room. I wrap the blanket around myself as I curl up in a chair near the fire. I'm finally able to walk around, though I'm slow and wobbly and it's exhausting. Obi stretches out across the couch, leaving Mitsuhide to settle in the other arm chair beside me.

"You two don't have to stay up with me if you'd like to sleep." I speak up as I notice Mitsuhide suppress a yawn.

"No, it's fine. Obi doesn't sleep at night very often and I'm not tired." Mitsuhide tells me, obviously lying at the last part. "Why don't you try to get some rest?"

"I- uh, don't think I could sleep if I tried... The past two weeks have been rather tough."

"I understand, I'm sorry it happened to you, Miss. Obi, do you have any idea who they could be?"

I arch a brow and turn to Obi for his response. How could he possibly know them?

"Sounds like the Nakano brothers based off the hair color. Pathetic little thief team, they weren't exactly anything to worry over a few years ago but it seems to have changed now." He glances over as he continues to fidget with a small toy ball in his hands. "Sounds like they were desperate if they targeted a random woman and tortured her into compliance. Do you know what they took?"

I shake my head and sigh. Whatever it was they'd put it in a bag whenever I saw them in the house.

"It was covered and then things went bad. I was knocked out after that."

Morning comes quickly after Obi, Mitsuhide, and I spent the night talking. Mitsuhide did finally fall asleep about an hour into our conversations, so Obi and I continued to talk. He sat up and I joined him on the couch so we wouldn't disturb anyone. Obi still wouldn't tell me who exactly he is but with the way he spoke, I feel he could have been a petty criminal before coming to work for the castle. Kiki and Prince Zen come downstairs and their movements are enough to wake Mitsuhide. Obi asks if I'd like to help cook again and I nod as I slowly unfold my legs from beneath me and get to my feet... only for my legs to give out. Mitsuhide quickly reaches out to catch me and I thank him before apologizing.

"My legs are asleep I suppose." I chuckle.

"It's alright Miss."

Obi helps me into the kitchen by lightly holding my forearm as we walk and puts me on the counter again despite my protests.

"So, what should we make Miss Arwen? It seems the brothers left behind some eggs and bread so we have that as well."

I look over to the other counter to see what other ingredients are left. There are still several potatoes and a few mild peppers.

"I'm not sure. My first thought with the eggs and bread is to make toast and scrambled eggs of course. The peppers and potatoes could be made into hashbrowns?"

He sets me on slicing the bread and mixing the eggs while he preps the hashbrowns. Kiki wanders through and opens the icebox across the room and tells us there's still ice inside so everything should be cold. She finds a small package of cured ham. I look to Obi who tells her to bring it over as he grabs another pan for the stove.

Obi and Mitsuhide finish serving the plates since they both refused my offer to help and I was eventually gently lifted over Obi's shoulder and placed in a chair next to Kiki. Jokes on them, though, I'm going to wash the dishes when we're done, whether they like it or not. I can't just be useless.

"Miss Arwen, how did you manage to make a simple breakfast so delicious?" Obi mumbles and I grin.

"I'm not sure. I'm glad you like it though."

"We're returning to the castle this afternoon." Prince Zen addresses the table as we eat. "Arwen, I'm going to have Obi and Mitsuhide escort you home to ensure your safety."

I look up at him with wide eyes. "No, no it's perfectly alright, Your Highness. I can make it on my own. I'd hate to be a further burden and it's out of the way of the castle anyway."

"Nonsense Miss. We insist." Mitsuhide says across from the table and Obi nods since his mouth is full.

"A-Alright then... I am thankful for your generosity and concern for my safety."

"Also, Miss Arwen, please never call me Your Highness again." Zen sighs.

I let out a surprised squeak as I'm unceremoniously removed from my place in front of the sink and placed over Obi's shoulder as he carries me from the room. I huff in annoyance and whine that I want to help but he puts me on the couch and gently pats my head.

"Relax Miss Arwen. It would make us feel better. You've been through a lot." He smiles and I sigh.

"I owe you all so much already, I want to contribute."

"You helped cook twice, that's enough for us. You really don't have to worry, we aren't the type of people to expect anything of people unless it's considered necessary."


"How about this?" He cuts me off as he leans against the arm of the chair behind him. "If after Mitsuhide and I walk you home, we cross paths again, we'll both hold you to some sort of debt repayment? Let the fates decide and such." He smirks.

"I suppose that could work..." I hum. "Deal?" I ask, holding up my pinky finger.

"Deal." He hooks his with mine, locking in our promise.

Alone *Obi x Oc x Mitsuhide* (IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now