The Abduction

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 I find myself walking between Obi and Mitsuhide an hour later after saying goodbye to Prince Zen and Kiki. They'd come on horses but are leaving them behind until they return to go to the castle. I'm just unsure of how they'll react to my living situation. I don't exactly have the most proper housing but it works for me just fine. I've been out here like this for over a year now without issue except for the brothers. As I talk lightly with Obi and Mitsuhide, I realize that I will likely miss them when we part. We haven't known each other for any true length of time but they're rather fun to talk to and pretty nice. I look back to Obi as he stops walking and starts to look around curiously before settling on me.

"What's wrong?" I ask, arching a brow as I take a small step closer to Mitsuhide for protection.

"What kind of house do you live in Miss Arwen?" He asks, taking a step forward.

"A uh, just a small one... why?"

"You're the one living in the tent in the next clearing, aren't you?"

I shake my head as I take another step toward Mitsuhide.

"Don't lie Miss Arwen, I can tell by the look on your face." Shit. I never was good at poker.

"Do you really live in a tent?" Mitsuhide asks, lifting his arm to try to look at me since I'm now fully hiding behind him.

"Perhaps... but it's okay. Really. I quite enjoy it, even with the bugs and animals that come by."

"Miss Arwen, why didn't you tell us? I thought you wanted to be our friend." Obi pouts but I can see a mischievous glimmer in his eyes.

"I do. I just didn't think it would matter..." I mumble as I take hurried steps back as he approaches.

"You can't just go on living in a tent. You're going to come with us."

"I can't do that! You live at the castle and I'd be a further burden to Prince Zen and... and Mitsuhide help me!"

I try to climb Mitsuhide's back to safety but Obi swiftly catches me and lifts me over his shoulder again.

"Mitsuhide! You've failed me."

"Sorry, but I agree with Obi."

"Failed. Me." I repeat with a sigh, resigning to my fate. "But if Prince Zen says that I can't stay, I get to come back to my tent."

"You and I both know that he won't say no." Obi chirps as he carries me into the clearing so I can gather my few belongings.

"You and I both now this is technically kidnapping."

Obi, Mitsuhide, and I make it back to the safe house where Obi helps me onto Mitsuhide's horse before mounting his own. It seems at this rate I may never get to go home to my tent in peace. My Nana always said my life would be full of adventure, but I don't quite think that this was what she had had in mind. If it is, then once my time comes, she's got a lot of explaining to do for not warning me of this. I guess things could be worse though, I could still be trapped with the brothers. I sigh and rest my head against Mitsuhide's back as I cut a halfhearted glare to Obi.

"How did you know? No one has come around except the twins."

"No one that you've noticed, Miss Arwen." He grins smugly. "I've known of the tent for a while now but never got to see who lived there."

"Well, I wasn't exactly trying to draw attention to myself."

"Why are you living in a tent exactly?"

"I thought it would be different." I shrug.

"Alright, so what's the real answer?" Mitsuhide cuts in and I sigh.

"I lost my home due to certain events that I could not prevent or reverse so I had limited options."

"Could you be any more vague?" Obi chuckles.

"Quite possibly."

I try to escape once Mitsuhide helps me down from the horse but Obi is right there as always and I find myself being led toward the castle. A thought pops into my head and I point out that they're disobeying Prince Zen's orders so they'd get in trouble for bringing me here. I also point out that as a commoner I don't belong here anyway. Obi chuckles and tells me he gets in trouble all the time so it's nothing new. I look to Mitushide for help but he just shrugs and smiles at me.

"I feel like you two are going to be a large source of trouble in my life." I huff.

"Quite possibly." Obi chirps, quoting me from earlier.

As we walk, I notice a woman with bright red hair walking out of one of the buildings with a young dark haired boy. She looks slightly familiar...

"Mitsuhide, who is that woman?" I ask, pushing my light pink hair out of my eyes for the hundredth time. It's rather windy today.

"Oh, that's Miss Shirayuki. She's a court herbalist and Obi has a- ow!"

"I do not," Obi cuts in after not so subtly elbowing him. "She and Master are in love, whether they'll openly admit it or not."

"That's sweet." I smile softly. "I knew she looked familiar. Nana lived in Tanbarun for awhile and I had to go pick up her medicines from Shirayuki. She was rather nice... if I did somehow manage to end up at the castle, how exactly would I earn my keep? I'm not exactly a knight or anything special skill-wise."

"You're good at cooking, aren't you?"

"You never let me cook so you wouldn't know. I only helped prep."

"We'll find something I'm sure, Miss." Mitsuhide tells me and I try to look up at him but with my new vantage point on Obi's shoulder from trying to run away again, I can't see him.

"If you say so, Mitsuhide's chest. So, Obi darling, when can I get down? I believe I'm capable of walking."

"If I let you down you'll try to run away again."

"Is that such a bad thing?"

"Yes!" Obi and Mitsuhide reply in unison.

Alone *Obi x Oc x Mitsuhide* (IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now