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We see Izuku entering the Room as he see's Eri and Muzan having tea


IzukU: ERI

Izuku grabbed Eri and Looked at Muzan

Muzan: *Smiles* hello Izuku Long time no see

Izuku:Eri Go to Mommies 

Eri: Okay *FLies away*

Izuku and Muzan stared at each other as muzan went to attack Izuku but he blocked it 

Muzan: Nice Reaction Time

Izuku: You Humiliated me years ago and send False Demons to kill me then you Kidnap my Daughter Your a Dead Man Kibutsujii

Muzan: That's If you Can Kill Me 

Muzan Made his blood explode sending Izuku flying 


A white Beam blew a Hole through Muzan but He began to transform 

A white Beam blew a Hole through Muzan but He began to transform 

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Muzan: Now lets Start this battle 

Muzan used the tendrils on his back trying to stab or cut izuku as he dodged and weaved in between them and deflected them 

Muzan: Not Bad

Muzan dashed towards Izuku and he was so fast that he grabbed Izuku's Face and slamed him tio the ground as they fell through a floor but Izuku kicked his back sending him into a pile of Bones

Izuku: You've gotten Stronger

Muzan: of course I was surprised when you returned 

Izuku: well I did and this time I'll Kill you

Muzan: I'd like to see you try

Izuku Dashed forward and slashed him across the chest but Muzan turned and dug his claws into Izuku's Back

Izuku: GAH

Muzan then Lifted him in the air and slammed him onto his Knee

Izuku: What Are you Bane 

Izuku Took his two swords and Stabbed then into The COllar bone of Muzan and flipped him over and cut him into Thirds but he reformed 

Muzan: You Should Know I have extreme Regenerative Abilities 

Izuku: ARK

Izuku summoned a white sphere but muazn cut off Izuku's arm before he could use it but Izuku used his Demon Magic to reattach it and Kick Muzan


Muzan: You Know the Answer I wanted to create my Own Race of Supperior Demons and Rule the planet but I know I can't

Izuku: "Huh"

Muzan: you see I am dying of a deadly disease if this was the old me I would have came after you immediately but havimg said Disease made me realize mow much of a dick I was 

Izuku: so then why are we fighting

Muzan: Easy I want to fight until One of Us Die

Izuku's Friends and family were listening from an Orb That Merlin had spying on them

Izuku: *Smiles* Okay Then LETS FIGHT

Both charged as Muzan sliced through Izuku's Skin with his Tendrils and Izuku grabbed a Few and ripped them Off and Stomped on Muzans CHest making it cave in but muzan split himself in tiny pieces and appeared behind Izuku Kicking him to the ground as Izuku Caused Golden Chains to Wrap around muzan as they had Hellblaze and Izuku charged up and Decapitated Him



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