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"So the nerd invited you to his house for lunch?"the redhead made quotation marks with her hands.

"That's what he said, apparently we are neighbors."

The conversation went on until the teacher came in and asked the students to be quiet, the first classes flew by and soon lunch arrived.

"Hey, Taylor"Joe followed Taylor who was in a hurry to get to the cafeteria, it would fill up, and they wouldn't get a good table to eat.

"Hey, Joe, you said hi to me this morning."

"Oh, I know, I'm sorry, I just forgot to give you some cookies, I made them for you"

"Okay, thank you very much, I'm sorry I have to go" she ran to the cafeteria.

Joe for his part spent his lunch hour again in the library, with a huge smile because he had dared to give her the cookies, yesterday after talking to her, he came in search of his mother's recipe book and prepared the cookies, maybe he wasn't good with words, but he was good with cooking and this would be a good way to show Taylor that he liked her.

"I thought you wouldn't eat with us, and you would eat with your nerdy friend" Abigail joked.

"No, not at all, he just wanted to give me some cookies he made for me"

"Will you eat that?" Jessica, the cheerleading captain, spoke up.

"Yes, it's a treat. It must have taken him a long time to make it" she smiled.

"Oh, then be careful, possibly tomorrow your jeans won't fit anymore, you'll have to exercise a lot to recover from all those calories, you know" the rest of the guys at the table laughed, making Taylor feel a little bad.

At the end of lunch as she headed to the classroom she was in search of a trash can she needed to get rid of her lunch along with those appetizing chocolate chip cookies, luckily right next to the classroom was one, part of her ached to get rid of the cookies another told her she should do it for her sake. She walked after dropping the cookies, bumping into someone.

At the end of lunch that smile was still intact, until she saw the blonde dropping the cookies in the trash can, she bumped into her, despite being angry with her her her manners were present, so she apologized to her.

Maybe that dumb blonde didn't deserve the cookies he had made her.

Soon exam season was here, Taylor tried her hardest to study, but ideas for a new song were taking hold of her.

After writing her name she was in a complete panic because she didn't know any of the answers, luckily Jessica was still beside her, she passed her a note with some answers so she was soon done with her exam.

She had completely forgotten that she had cheated on her test, when she saw the terrible grade she found herself worried, she remembered that her parents' rule for visiting record companies was to get good grades for the rest of the school year. At the end of class, the teacher asked her to stay and talk to her.

"So, Taylor you didn't get a passing grade on the test, so you should work harder next time, maybe if you join some clubs it might help your final grade a little bit" the teacher handed a brochure of clubs to the blonde.

Of course, she would join one, after class she walked in search of the music club, sadly for her, it was completely full, as well as science, literature, chess, there was only the boring math club left.

She was surprised to find Joe, she didn't think he did these things, now she hated them even more, she took a seat right next to him, he was probably the only one she knew in this class. As she sat down, he didn't greet her as usual, so she felt a little strange.

A few minutes later the teacher arrived and started to write on the blackboard, again that frustration took over her, she didn't understand anything and she hated that feeling.

After finishing the class, she checked her cell phone, she had completely forgotten to tell her mother that she would not be leaving at her usual time, probably her brother and her father had been waiting for her for a long time.

When she got home her parents and brother were having dinner and after giving them some explanations she joined them for dinner.

Joe's cookies did not leave her head, so she ended up asking her parents for permission to go eat at a "friend's" house, her father of course accepted, there was no way he would agree to let her go out with a boy.

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