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(Doorbell Rings)

Chrissy - "Yes? Can I help you?"

Mabel - "No, I'm your neighbor and I thought I'd come by and introduce myself."

Chrissy - "Okay."

Mabel - "I'm Mabel, Mabel Pines."

Chrissy - "Uh, Ashley,....Ashley....Cunningham."

Mabel - (Chuckle) "Okay. Well, it's nice to meet you, Ashley."

Chrissy - "It's nice to meet you too, Mabel."

Mabel - "Thank you."

Chrissy - "You're welcome. ....You're a cop?"

Mabel - "Yes I am. Piedmont, PD. That's cool that you noticed my badge."

Chrissy - "Yeah,....really cool."

Eddie And Chrissy - "I've Always Loved You"Where stories live. Discover now