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Once the door clicked shut Lupin leaned against his desk in clear exhaustion. Jesna wasn't sure if she was relieved or concerned that he didn't feel compelled to mask his symptoms for her. She clasped her hands together nervously as she waited for him to speak.

"I'm not well enough at the moment to review this with you, however, I do have a few questions given your current state."

"I'm really feeling much better professor. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you."

"Not to sound heartless, but it's not exactly concern for you that is prompting these questions."

"Oh, of course." Jesna replied, heat creeping into her cheeks.

"What was it about the nature of this vision that left you with such physical side effects?"

Jesna swallowed tensely before replying, "I think...I think the person didn't enjoy my intrusion into their thoughts."

Lupins eyes narrowed, "You mean, this person was aware that you were observing them?"

"Well, I was viewing things from their perspective so I was essentially in their head. At least, that's how it felt. I'm not sure, I've never had this happen before, but he distinctly said 'Who are you?' and there wasn't anyone physically around him from what I could see."

"He?" Professor Lupin asked thoughtfully. "Do you know who this was then?"

"I-" Jesna hesitated. If she told Lupin her ridiculous theories without proof she could cause him unnecessary anxiety. On the other hand, he may be the only person who could easily confirm what she was thinking. She took a deep breath before continuing, "I think it was Sirius Black, sir."

Lupin's grip on his desk slipped for a moment and he stumbled forward, but as Jesna went to assist him he held up a hand to stop her. Several heartbeats passed before Lupin steadied himself fully and lifted his gaze back to Jesna. He searched her eyes with his own before asking, "Why...why do you think it was Black?"

The pain in his voice was akin to hope and longing, not suspicion or disbelief. It's almost as though he wants me to be right. The thought didn't fit with what she knew about their relationship. It was clear to Jesna that the men had once had a very strong bond, but that should've made Black's betrayal more unforgiveable to Lupin, right?

"There was another vision I had this summer that I didn't understand well at first. Much like this one whoever I was observing didn't have clear thoughts, and their emotions were stifled. This time the emotions were a little stronger...but until they transformed and spoke to me-"

"Transformed?" Lupin interrupted, eyes widening.

"Yes, at first I couldn't see their body or understand their movement. I don't know how exactly, but I think I forced them to look down and it was very clear that I was looking at paws. That's when their emotions shifted and the paws transformed to hands."

As impossible as it seemed, Lupin turned three shades paler. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, exhaling long and slow before responding, "Have you talked with anyone else about this?"

"About the vision today? No-" Jesna paused as she considered why this might matter to Lupin. "But, my Aunt Pippa knows about the vision I had this summer. She's the one who suggested that it was related to Black."

"She's always been an amazingly intuitive person," Lupin mumbled as he stared at the floor.

"Do you...do you agree with me then? Do you think there's a possibility that I was inside Sirius Black's mind today?" Jesna shuddered as she verbalized her hypothesis. I was inside the mind of a deranged killer who angrily whiplashed me back into my own head?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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Predicting the Past I George Weasley I Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now