Part 6

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Since the Wolves and horde of walkers attacked Alexandria, the community had been quiet.

Everyone slowly got back to their old lives, but none of you dared to let your guard down, not again.

Rick became the official leader of Alexandria, and nobody questioned or challenged it. Leading was what your father did best. It came naturally to him with his law enforcement background, and he was damn good at it.

Daryl was his right-hand man. The two of them had an almost brotherly relationship despite Rick technically being his father-in-law which the others in the group still struggled to wrap their head around.

The gunshot wound on your shoulder had healed nicely leaving nothing but a small pink scar in its place as a permanent reminder of that horrible day.

Ricky kept up firearms training with Daryl and Rick. Little Merle Dean -who isn't so little anymore- had begun learning too. The boys were good at it and learnt quickly. Although that didn't come as much of a surprise since they grew up around Daryl and Merle Dixon.

Now, you found yourself sitting in the back seat of a car listening to Daryl and Rick argue about music choices while on a supply run.

You and Denise had come up with a list of medical supplies that Alexandria was running low on and although you loved your father and husband dearly, those two wouldn't know a bottle of aspirin from a bottle of antibiotics if it hit them in the face. So, you got to join them on the supply run. Plus, you needed to collect a personal item that wasn't on the list and there was no way you were telling either of them what that item was.

It was nice being outside the confined walls of Alexandria.

You relaxed in the backseat staring out the window as the trees flew by listening to Rick sing the lyrics to some obnoxious song he found on a CD while Daryl pretended to be annoyed by it from the passenger seat.

The three of you never got much time alone together without the others around, so you were going to enjoy it while you could.

It wasn't long before you came across a small delivery truck inside a shed stacked full of food and supplies. It was like a gold mine and even had boxes of toothpaste which Michonne was going to love.

After siphoning the fuel out the car and pouring it into the truck, the three of you squished up in the front cabin and made your way back to Alexandria. You stopped at a pharmacy nearby and collected what you could from the heavily looted store, but you salvaged more items than you thought you would, so that was a bonus.

"Can we check out the gas station?" You asked, pointing towards the old abandoned station further down the road. "There might be some bandages and stuff since we didn't find any earlier."

Rick nodded already slowing the truck down before he pulled up in front of the broken gas bowsers and you all climbed out. Daryl went straight across the parking lot towards what looked to be a tipped over vending machine and you grabbed your paper list before walking towards the front door of the store.

"Yo, give me a hand with this!" Daryl called out.

Rick glanced over at you hesitantly, "you okay in there on your own?"

You rolled your eyes, "I can take care of myself. Go help my husband before he breaks his back trying to lift that thing."

You turned and began brushing off the dirt and grime that covered the glass door of the gas station before peaking inside for any threats. Once satisfied that there were no walkers, you pushed the door open and purposely knocked over the sunglass stand that was nearby.

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