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"I want you to be my boyfriend, dumbass."

Those string of words made one of the largest shit shows Bakugou Katsuki had ever had to clean up.

- X -

"Hero Dynamight was on the scene this morning, telling reporters..."

Bakugou drowned out the television that his supervisor had playing in the office as he concentrated on the paperwork in front of him, idly wondering why he should have to write up incident reports in the first fucking place when he should still be on patrol, four years of writing up bullshit reports and he still hated it.

He stood up, grabbing the files off his desk as he stretched his arms over his head, letting out a soft groan in place of his aching muscles. He turned his computer off as he strode through the small office, a vague look of annoyance on his face as he dropped the file into the basket outside of his supervisors office. Without much thought, he began to walk towards the changing room to put on his civilian clothes when he saw Kirishima walking at an aggressive pace towards him.

Bakugou promptly turned the other way, deciding that taking the long way around the office was better than having to deal with his "I'm so proud of you" lectures after every instance of him arresting a villain. Just as he turned to use the stairs, his back was met with a tight bear hug, his feet leaving the ground momentarily before he was dropped back on solid ground.

"Good job on the save today, Kacchan!" Kirishima beamed, ignoring the look of murderous intent in Bakugou's eyes as he turned to face him. "It's still amazing to me that you go out solo everyday and you beat these villains like you have one hand tied behind your back. Plus, all the civilians you saved are sure to boost morale when you're on patrol, ya know? Keep it up and you could earn yourself a sidekick in no time!"

Bakugou picked mindlessly at the calluses on his fingers as he listened to Kirishima talk, attempting to quell the silent panic he was feeling at the thought of having someone rely on him. It was still too soon for that. Thankfully, a response wasn't needed for the lecture once Kaminari popped up.

"Speaking of Kacchan," Kaminari popped up from his desk, which sat a little more than five feet from where the two stood. "Today's the day that Deku transfers into the office, right? It'll be nice to see him again!"

Bakugou could feel the dumbfounded expression begin to creep across his face as his eyebrows knitted together.

"And when the fuck was that announced?" Bakugou asked, crossing his arms over his chest as he attempted to quell the irritation that was bubbling inside his chest.

Kirishima gave him a sympathetic look as he leaned on the desk next to Bakugou, running hand through his hair before looking down at his feet. Bakugou knew that one of his lectures was coming, he just wished that he would give him some space to think for himself.

"See, this is your problem." Kirishima sighed as he motioned to Bakugou. "All you ever think about is work. If it's not work, then it's paperwork and how quick you can get back to work. Why don't you come out with us tomorrow-"

Kirishima's offer was cut off by Bakugou walking past him, the conversation around them dying out as he made his way to the stairs, his palms meeting cool steel as he shoved the door open.

"I thought maybe Izuku coming back would be good for him... " Kaminari said with a shrug as he sat back at his desk, Bakugou choosing to ignore the comment.

Bakugou could feel the irritation dissipating the farther he got away from dumb and dumber, the muscles in his shoulders finally relaxing as he made it to the first floor of the hero agency. He couldn't remember hearing anything about Midoriya being back from the United States but even so, him being at the hero agency wouldn't change much between the two of them.

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