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[ Status Magic or other reference to a system or power]

Name: Lincoln Lincoln
Class: ? (When summoned)
Ultimate hero (after he gets his weapon)
Equipment: none (when summoned)
Ultimate legendary weapon
(After he gets his weapon)
Level: 1
Hp: 130
Mp: 45
Sp: 40
Atk: 1
M.atk: 1
Def: 1
M.def: 1
Agi: 1

Fire: 0
Water: 0
Wind: 0
Earth: 0
Light: 0
Dark: 0
(5 basic elements)
Other elements
(A category of elements that don't fall to the 5 basic elements)
Ex: poison, slash, ice, lightning, etc.
Becose he is the ultimate hero class. He, along with his party, gets doubled the exp when a monster is killed.
(The other heroes have the same ability, but there's doesn't double the exp, and there's only share the exp with theparty members)

Understand world language:
An ability that allows summoned heroes to understand the world language.
Understand world literature:
An ability that allows summoned heroes to understand world literature.
(This abilities 2 abilities have all who are summoned, even those who don't have the hero class.)

Ultimate legendary weapon:
Legendary Staff (explained in the story)
When not in battle or mastering other forms, it remains in its original form.
A straight woden wizards staff with a purple orb on top.
Small staff (original form)
Becose it is created as an ultimate weapon, it has other forms.
Other forms:
Legendary weapons:
Spear, sword, bow, shield, ofuda.
Vassal weapon:
Fan, scythe, katana.

Lincoln can use the power-up methods of all weapons.(If two of the methods are similar, they count as individual and those that are the same method, but different weapon count as one power-up method.
Ex: ofudas: magic rank and staffs: magic
Power-up points get points as individuals.
Ex2: ofuda and whip have growth revision).
A/n: ability counts as equip bonus.
(They become passive abilities when they master a form).
Unique ability counts as special equip effects.
(Skills that can be used with only that weapon form).
Stats bonuses become passive when the form is masterd.

Resistances will be in numbers, higher the number the higher it is.
1-20(smal), 20-40(medium), 40-60(high), 60-80(large), 80-100(immunity).
Skills and powers will be from different fanfiction and anime, some I'll make up ass i right.

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