One Goal

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It was almost eleven. About an hour ago the Chicago Blackhawks reached their goal and won the cup, at home since 1938. It was a big celebration. You couldn't wait to get home and sleep. Of course the boys would be drunk so it looked like you were some of their rides. It wasn't very exiting to drop off drunk hockey players at almost midnight. Once you got home Patrick wouldn't shut up. So you crawled in bed while he did what else.
The next morning you realized you slept ok and realized Patrick wasn't in bed. You got up to see where he might be. Well, there he was laying outside on the lawn for the world to see. Not such a good sight, huh. Well theres probably videos and pictures already posted. As you went to get coffee, you hear the news talk about the Hawks. Well, theres a video and some pictures of Patrick laying there, on the lawn. As you went back into the kitchen, Patrick was there sitting at the table, looking hungover as hell. Of course you didn't know what to do. So you just smacked him. Unfortunately it worked and he got up, kissed your cheek, and went into the bedroom. You were scared of what he might be doing. You forgot. Tonight was the night they were going to the Cubs game. The boys probably were going out to lunch and wanted to "hang". "Patrick.." you say. "Yes, babe?" he says softly. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Going to hang with the boys, wanna come?" he said. "I don't know.." i said. "Come on it'll be fun" he said happily. "Do you remember anything last night?" i asked "I remember winning the game, raising the cup, going to the locker room, talking with coach and the boys, then singing we were the champions. Did i black out?" he said. "Oh my, Patrick. Are you sure your not gonna need a ride from that game?" i asked. "Come on babe, ill be fine. he said surely. "I just don't want you to drive home drunk, get in a crash, or get arrested. Again." i said. "Babe it wont happen. Why don't you just come?" "Im just not sure Patrick, Do i need to be your supervisor?" i said. "Babe. It will be fine. Just come we can have fun." "Alright then.." i said. He picked me up spun me around and we landed softly on the bed. He kissed my head and i kissed his lips. After 2 minutes. We were dressed and ready for the night.
After dinner at the bar. Patrick and I held hands. We walked with the boys until we got to the stadium. Then you kissed Patrick by. You, Elina, Chaunette, and Amanda headed up to the booth. Waiting for the boys you and the girls walked to get a drink. As you got back there were the boys drinking, laughing, then glanced at you walking towards them. As you got closer Patrick set his drink down and came up to you. He put his hands on your hips as he kissed your lips. Beer. Ew. You knew sooner or later Patrick would be drunk. He'd want to make out then you'd say no. Then it would turn into a fight and you would leave and sit with some creepy guy. Then he'd come over and apologize. You'd say sorry. Then he would grab you and kiss you because thats just who he is and he loves you. Andrew, Bryan, and Niklas looked pretty wobbly standing up. You were worried for the rest of the night. Tonight was supposed to be a great, and amazing night to kick off the end of the season with 6 cups.

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