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im not giving out the username...yet , but i want to share yall a lil story since i've been on wattpad since 2018

TW : s*icide mentions

back in 2020 , in quarantine , i knew this guy on here , and overall , he was a sweet , wholesome guy , he'd constantly get into drama with other users but a LOT of his friends , including me , would defend him no matter what. one day he had to quit wattpad , mostly due to somebody to telling him to off himself , sad and all. he quit around october 2020 , but then it was later revealed he died of pneumonia , me , including a lot of his friends were absolutley heartbroken. if you go to his mb today , it's just nothing but people venting on there , hell , even on my old account and this one , i'd constantly vent about s*icidal thoughts , attemps and anger issues.........

get ready guys......

september 2023 , he made an anncoument saying " hi... " it was shocking...he's ALIVE- ?? and it turns out...HE'S BEEN ALIVE THIS WHOLE MOTHERFUCKING TIME. so 1 , his friend who anncounced his death lied to our faces , or 2 , this guy faked his death :/ idk...something fishy is going on......

again , not giving out the @ and i don't reccomend trying to find this dude but if he ACTUALLY faked his death.....oooh boy wattpad finna get angry as hell...

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