the ride home

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As silver drives already having going through. Everest's candy to make sure there wasn't any open or anything else he gives her permission to eat on their way back cuz it was a long drive to where they went which was the rich district which usually has big size candy a lot of the time this year they didn't do some Stark market issues but at least she was able to get a full bag on like last year.

Everest decides to put the big bars that silver gave her to the side and eat the other candy.

( Author's note please note that the candy they are eating in this world maybe made out of chocolate another items but characters in this world are not affected by the same things they are here in the real world dogs and cats and all those other animals can eat human based foods with no problem)

As some time flies by Everest finishes most of her treats the only candy being left candy that she'll trade with the other pups back at the lookout

First cleans her face as she drinks some milk to help with her stomach she gets a little tired and lays down on the couch in silver's van.

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