In a loop [After 2x03]

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Translated without translation correction via DeepL from Czech language.


Mobius hasn't missed the fact that Loki hasn't been entirely well lately. What was happening in TVA was giving everyone a hard time, but for Loki it was all about Sylvie and his separation from her. Even though they had seen each other several times, it had always gone from strength to strength and they hadn't been able to talk to each other normally, there seemed to be a growing gulf between them. So he arranged with B-15 and they set up a little ambush for both of them. Mobius set up a time loop that they wouldn't get out of unless Mobius himself let them out. It was a very effective method in TVA.

"Do you really think that's a good idea?" B-15 asked him.

"I don't see any other solution with them anymore, they need to talk and clear things up."

"And you're not worried about them killing each other in there?"

"Well, of course that option is also an option, but we'll keep it under control. If things get really bad, we'll let them back."

With the what and how settled, B-15 went to the timeline where Sylvie lived and Mobius went to find Loki in TVA. With the excuse that something serious was going on, he pulled him out of the library.

"Mobius, what's going on?"

"I was going to wrap things up first, but I'm not going to lie to you... I can't watch things escalate between you and Sylvie anymore."

Loki rolled his eyes. "And what are you going to do about it if I can't do anything about it?"

"You two need to talk."

"I've tried... but she won't even hear of me..."

"So now you won't have a choice."

"What do you mean?" He stopped across from him.

"You're both too stubborn, it's time to stop." There was the sound of the time door opening behind Loki, and as he turned to it, Mobius pushed him through it, which he didn't expect, and stepped inside. He heard something like "You'll thank me later..." before the door disappeared. He wanted to step back in, but he didn't have a chance. He looked around to see where Mobius had sent him.

It was the same place Mobius had sent him to Sif, a place from Asgard, and at first he was a little dismayed. Sif wasn't there this time though.

"What's this all about?" He asked into the void.

Just then, another time door opened a short distance away and a considerably annoyed Sylvie, who had been put there by B-15 thanks to an ambush, burst in, "...what do you think you're doing?" A bit of her reaction to it could be heard. She tried to run back in, but the door was gone. "Oh, you've got to be kidding!" She was annoyed because when she looked at her hand, her special TemPad wasn't there. She was wearing her uniform from work and her coat like she was on her break. A few more curses fell out of her before she spun around and noticed Loki, "of course it's your job!"

Loki threw up his hands, "well of course, because everything is always my fault isn't it?"

"Exactly!" She frowned and Loki shook his head. "Hey, I want back!" She yelled into the void. "B-15, I know you can hear me!"

Loki remembered Mobius' words and realized what they were about. Seeing how tense Sylvie was, he didn't even try to say anything. He walked over to the balcony railing and looked around as if the illusion was fading into darkness, but it still reminded him home.

"You don't care, do you?" Echoed after a moment directly behind him.

Loki turned around, "I don't care what?"

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