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Millions of years ago before the Earth had a proper atmosphere to protect its surface, it wasn't uncommon for Asteroids to crash into the planet. Some of these Asteroids contained microscopic living organisms that would begin evolving to adapt to their new environments. One of these Asteroids originated from deep space and it carried a powerful supernatural organism known as a True Vampire that dominated the food chain with their unique abilities called "Turning" and "Metamorphosis".

The Turning process consists of a True Vampire biting a victim and infusing their life force into them. This turns the victim into a vampiric version of themselves where they lose all sense of self and go on to turn other victims. If a True Vampire deems a certain trait worthy, they can choose to infuse a victim with enough lifeforce to initiate the Metamorphosis processes. This causes the victim to undergo a full transformation into a True Vampire while retaining certain traits possessed by their prior self. Making each new generation of True Vampire stronger and more refined than the last.

The Turning and Metamorphosis processes allowed True Vampires to adapt to new environments quickly which allowed them survive through multiple mass extinction events. True Vampires remained the uncontested apex predators of the world for millions of years until eventually they were met with resistance as the first signs of intelligence appeared with early human life. While True Vampires were not as intelligent as humans, they were still cunning hunters and understood the potential opportunities and threats that humans offered.

Wanting to capitalize on the opportunity before them, True Vampires attempted to turn the humans. Unfortunately for the True Vampires, humans were not so easily enslaved and those who were turned into Vampires began fighting back against the True Vampires. The conflict quickly escalated into a war as Human Vampires began turning other humans into Vampires in order to defend against the True Vampires. True Vampires from around the world came together in an attempt to wipe out the humans but with the combination of their intellect and vampiric powers, humanity became the first species capable of fighting back against the True Vampires.

In a shocking turn of events the Humans win the war and manage to hunt down the True Vampires to near extinction. The few remaining True Vampires retreat deep underground and enter a state of permanent hibernation in an attempt to preserve their species. The Humans involved would agree to let those that had been turned could live out their natural lives as long as they agreed not to reproduce or turn any other humans in an attempt to let Vampires naturally go extinct for good. Most Vampires would agree to this but overtime new Vampires would inevitably be created as humanity spread throughout the world.

Unfortunately some Vampires, like any other human, would turn out more sinister than others and they would need to be dealt with. This would result in the formation of secret groups that would discreetly hunt down and eliminate Vampiric threats. Over time with the help of Vampire Hunters and the overall lack of Vampires throughout the world, most people would go through their lives unaware of the existence of vampires, only ever hearing about over dramatized Vampires in folklore or fictional stories like Dracula.

However as humanity enters the digital age with cameras on demand and social media, the existence of Vampires is inevitably revealed to the general public. This causes an exponential increase in the overall population of Vampires as humans around the world rush to become Vampires. With a massive increase in Vampires comes a drastic increase in vampiric threats and Vampire Hunters are brought into the spotlight as governments around the world begin to form proper organizations of Hunters to protect society.

Along with Vampire hunters, there are multiple other vampire related groups that have formed over the years. Some of these groups include Vampire Purists who view Vampires as a superior race and want to eliminate normal humans, Cannibal Vampires who are insane cult-like groups of cannibals that believe consuming Vampire flesh makes Vampires stronger, Blood Dealers who are gang-like groups that steal blood and sell it on the black market, and various others. These groups were all formed and interact with the world in their own unique ways, and these interactions are amplified by the modern age. 

"Thicker Than Blood" is a story that follows a young vampire woman and her human brother as they begin their jobs as Vampire Hunters. It showcases how they interact with the various groups within the world as they work their way up the ranks while simultaneously uncovering the truths of their pasts.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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