The Test

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Obi finally puts me down in front of what I'm told are the doors leading to Prince Zen's office. Now I'm really scared. I was frightened enough just being taken from my tent to go back to the castle and being taken from the stables where I'd tried to hide behind a horse to avoid this moment. Now I'm being brought before the man who's already done so much for me... at the insistence of his attendants... to find out if I'm able to attempt to work for him in exchange for housing because the don't like mine. Perhaps Prince Zen will side with me and send me home so I won't have to worry about it. I can go back to my tent and Obi and Mitsuhide can move on with their lives. I'm just in the way really, I should really just go now. I turn to leave but Mitsuhide and Obi both catch my arms and drag me into the office.


"No 'but's Miss Arwen. Hello Master."

"Hello Obi, Mitsuhide... Arwen? I thought you were bringing her home, not dragging her back here."

I manage to turn around so I can face Prince Zen and bow before him, then try to escape but they won't let me.

"We did actually, but Miss Arwen, tell him what your home is, please."

"Do I have to?"


I sigh and avoid the prince's gaze. "I... I live in a tent in the forest."

"Why do you live in a tent in the forest?"

"I had nowhere else to go. I am perfectly fine staying there, Sir, but they-"

"Felt it would be unsafe to let our dear Miss Arwen stay in such horrid conditions. We thought that perhaps we could find her employment with better lodging." Obi cuts in with a smug grin.

"That is their intention, Sir, but I am fine returning to my tent. I'm sorry they insisted on bothering you." I turn to leave but Prince Zen's voice stops me.

"I haven't dismissed you, Arwen."

I very quickly find myself sitting in Prince Zen's office with him, Kiki, Mitsuhide, and Obi as they discuss various possibilities regarding my living situation. I suggested my return to my tent multiple times but they were shot down immediately, leading to this. This all feels rather unnecessary but I can't deny anything that Prince Zen asks of me.

"Do you have any special skills? Any previous jobs?"

"I cooked for three years in a diner, worked a bakery for a few months. I cleaned houses for a year and tended Nana's gardens for two years. That's about all that I have going for me I suppose."

"Ooh Master can she be a chef? She did cook for us back at the safehouse." Obi chimes in and I cut him a glare as I sigh.

"I didn't cook, only helped to prepare. I doubt my diner foods and family recipes would even come close to the standards of the castle." "

"We are down a chef... Can I put it to the test?" Prince Zen asks and I look to Mitsuhide who smiles as Obi excitedly pats my arm.

"I suppose I could try... but what do I need to prepare?"

"Pick a dinner item and a dessert. Your choice regardless. Obi will escort you to the kitchens."

"I don't want to be in the way of the staff."

"They're gone for another... two hours. That should be plenty of time. Obi can't help though, not even with preparations."

"Thank you for the opportunity, Sir."

I follow Obi through the castle, not really paying attention to his ramblings as I try to figure out what to make while marveling at the beauty of the castle. I'd never seen any part of the castle before, not even the perimeter wall. I hear Obi call for me and I realize that I'd stopped to stare out of one of the windows and he made it a few feet down the hall.

"Sorry Obi... I just- the castle is so beautiful."

"It is rather spectacular, isn't it?" He hums and I realize that he's moved to stand behind me.

"Nothing beats the forest though. Endless stretches of trees and fresh air."

"You're definitely not wrong Miss Arwen, but you are running on limited time."

"Oh! Yes, I still haven't decided what to make yet."

Obi lightly takes my wrist and leads me to the kitchens.

The kitchens are far larger than I ever imagined possible and this was a very, bad, horrible idea. I can't do this... I can't cook for the Second Prince of Clarines... I need to get out of here... I turn toward the door for an escape but Obi has casually stretched himself across the doorway with a smirk. I give him a pleading look but he shakes his head and makes a shooing motion with his hand.

"You can do this Miss Arwen."

"Highly doubtful, but all I can do is try I suppose."

I focus my attention on the pantries and and run through my mental lists of recipes for something decent but high quality to make for each meal. My eyes fall on a bowl of blueberries and decide on a blueberry pie and get to work.

"Ooh, what have you decided on?" Obi asks as he leans his elbows on the counter.

"Blueberry pie for dessert." I answer with a small smile.

"What about the main course?"

"I was thinking of baking a piece of chicken with a blend of herbs and spices passed down from my Nana's recipes. I can pair it with some mashed potatoes and a small fresh salad." I explain without pausing from my preparations.

"It sounds amazing. I might just have to steal some of it away from Master depending on how good you do."

"You sound like you doubt my abilities Obi." I hum as I lightly swat his hand away from the blueberries.

"You doubted your own so why not? I may not necessarily believe it, but you're more likely to believe in yourself if I say something like that. You believed in yourself just now, right?"

Our eyes meet as I look up at him and I shake my head. "You're clever Obi."

Alone *Obi x Oc x Mitsuhide* (IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now