Chapter 3: Hunt In Shadow

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The group hurried to the station to board the train, if it was an express service they would be back in the city within 20 minutes. Sho was worried, Mr Sunglasses made it sound as though this Chimera had been a big problem for the group before, and he was brought with them. Shogo's stomach knotted, did they expect him to fight? Would he even be able too?. they opted for a cart near the back of the train, since they still had Shroud active Idori wanted to be able to talk to Shogo without the young man looking like a crazy person.

Idori looked at Shogo who was nervously playing with his fingers and gave a considerate smile. "I wouldn't worry too much Shogo, you'll have us with you, so there's no way you'll be fightin Zwinger alone" Shogo understood that his new Sensei's words were supposed to be encouraging but they only served to fuel his anxiety, it was as he feared, they did expect him to fight. "Sir...I don't have one of those Heart things, I don't even think I'll be any good here, and if i...if I die, how are Hanami and my Grandma ever going to find out?. Tears pricked his eyes as Roly hugged into him comfortingly "Don't be worryin Shoo..." she said very softly " I knows...this seems like a big worryin diddly, but...we's gon do it all togeba" he hugged back "Thank you Roly". Idori sighed "As usual Roly is right, we aren't about to let you go and get yourself killed. Besides, I wouldn't have brought you
along if I didn't have complete faith in you" Idori spoke calmly and softly, now lacking that whimsical demeanour that had carried on nearly everything he had said thus far.

Masamichi who had stayed characteristically quiet through that entire conversation suddenly looked towards the door, he stood as a man entered the carriage they were all in. Shogo was more than ready to assume the man was just a regular individual, he had slick back short black hair, glasses and a prominent scowl. To Shogo's surprise the tall man cast his tired face directly towards Idori, Idori nodded at this " it is Zwinger, no doubt. It has to be that serious if they've sent you here" The man gave a short and sharp nod "It is Kenzaki, it is serious and there is no question to it being Chimera A24." The man looked at Shogo and then back at Idori " Another new recruit Kenzaki? I hope for your records sake that this one turns out better than the last. " Idori nodded "Well, we'll be going straight to headquarters so I'll be sure to get my young pal Shogo good and registered just after Zwinger has been dealt with." The man nodded and left the cart, not regarding Shogo or the others anymore. Roly huffed and folded her arms "Mister Sleepy is so meany mean...he never even sayin hideehi or nuffin" Shogo looked at Idori "Who...was that man Mr Sunglasses?" he asked inquisitively, trying to get his mind off of his impending death. Idori cleared his throat "Oh him? That smiling delight is Tatsuya Araraki, he's the head of the Manifest Fronts Recognition and Detention squad, basically when a known entity crops up Araraki dispatches a team to assess the situation and then, if it is deemed to be Chimera activity then we are called in.". Masamichi looked over at his Sensei "Its...unusual that he himself is dispatched though" Masamichi's usual calm and feckless demeanour was now replaced with worry.

After a brisk walk through the city they reached the Manifest Front Kanage Branch main office, it was a tall building at the end of the street that reminded Shogo of a printing house. Masamichi took Roly up in the lift as Idori took Shogo down the hallway towards a office. The rooms were filled with people in white outfits all panicking at the outbreak of Chimera that had been barelling their way through the city's lower third ward. "Crap, things have gotten this chaotic already." Idori gruffed " We better make this quick" Shogo nodded as Idori stepped into an office where a busty, sandy haired woman in a red kimono stood talking on a phone. "Yes I understand that but you are the dispatch group for the Shakoto ward, oh...well don't worry he's here now...I'll be sending him presently" the lady tersely hung up and cast stormy eyes towards Idori and; by extension , Shogo. "Took your damned time didn't ya Kenzaki? Half of Kanage could as well be dead by now you petulant slacker!." She scolded harshly causing Idori to flinch, if a little dramatically. "I know I know...but that B Class almost killed Ma-chan, plus we had Roly with us", The woman's eyes cast towards Shogo who was stood at Idori's side. "Picked up another stray then Kenzaki? What's your name then kid?" She folded her arms and raised an eyebrow.

Shogo smiled a little and gave a polite bow, "I...I'm Shogo Nawajima Miss, I can see Chimera and...Mr Sunglasses said it'd be a good idea to come here and join you I wouldn't be hunted". The woman nodded "You better hold your own then kid, we ain't a babysitting service. Anyway since we're chumming up and doing introductions, My name is Kaori Itamichi, I'm the head of this office and also the head of the Scout Regiment, you can call me Ma'am". Shogo nodded "O...Of course Ma'am" she nodded again and turned back to Idori " Look Kenzaki you ain't exactly a stranger to Zwinger so I'll keep this brief. One of our scouts noticed Zwinger's energy on his radar this morning, poor bastard barely had time to call it in to Nakato to confirm before...well. " Idori sighed sadly and took a seat "What...was his name?" he asked , obviously effected by the death. "It was Goro, Tokosatsu Goro" Itamichi responded solemnly, Idori nodded again "I'll send flowers and condolences to his family as soon as I can" he clenched his fist, Idori was tired of this now...Zwinger was responsible for the deaths of so many good agents, good people, and he was done with it. ".

The two of them reconvened with Masamichi who had just put Roly in her room to relax, this situation could get dangerous and despite his rough exterior he really didn't want to see her get hurt. "Consider this your final test Ma-Chan, if you live through this I'll be requesting you for a permanent fixture in Team 2. Masamichi nodded "Yes Sir" he answered uniformly, and the three made their way to Shakoto to start their face off with the Chimera known as Zwinger.

They arrived at the Shakoto ward as a group of low level agents in white robes were holding back un-graded Chimera trash and trying to put up Perimeter to limit the already substantial damage. The area had been evacuated but the damage was vast. Shops and homes lay in ruin as a large Cyclops like Chimera took immense pleasure dismantling a cafe. Idori smirked and walked up to the beast whistling. "Yoohoo? Earth to big smelly bastard?" He called out. The Chimera turned to face him, immediately charging a punch but Idori tutted and shook his head. "No...that won't do, bad manners don't get rewarded with hugs" a ball of yellow light formed in Idori's palm "3rd Detention Mechanism...Torchlight" the hall of energy shot off towards the cyclopian beast as it roared in pain, incinerated to nothingness in mere seconds. Idori wiped some of the ash off of his uniform and tutted "Y'know you could be just asked if you needed a hug." . Shoto was amazed, this power was incredible, the way that Mr Sunglasses effortlessly dealt with Chimera was inspiring!, Could he really learn to be like that one day?.

Masamichi walked towards another group of Chimera. "I won't waste time here, we have been sent to resolve this matter and we will do so with certainty...Open Heart Technique...Ronin" the smoke billowed out as before as he was transformed into his sleek outfit. He jumped with immediate quickness and moved his sword in front of him, creating a line of black feather blades, "Way of Ronin Number One, Crow Migration" . The feathers shot forward and impaled the Chimera's in front of him as they fell down dead in the street battlefield. Just before Sho could be amazed again a whooshing entered his ears and head as he felt a presence behind him. "Well well..." A deep and gritty voice growled in his head " Fresh meat at last...I assume my dear friend Idori has warned you of me Shogo Nawajima... " a wolf seemingly made of pitch dark appeared next to Shogo, filling his heart with dread. Masamichi turned and charged Zwinger, sword pulled back as Idori watched in horror. "What are you doing Ma-chan?! Fall back!." . Zwinger looked up towards Masa and knocked him out of the sky with a wave of dark energy, similar to Nue's but far more potent. "You insolent boy!" He growled " It is Shogo Nawajima I want! ".

Shogo looked horrified "M...Me? You want me?" He said, feeling the energy Zwinger was giving off pulling him downwards. " Oh yes Shogo, we are going to have so much fun together, you and i. " Shogo felt himself pulled into a dark and grassy plain, replacing the sunlit street he was once on. " this?" He rather felt Zwinger laugh a deep and bellowing laugh "This is my Dark Open Heart Technique...welcome to Hunters Domain."

To Be Continued

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