--Detaching from the root--

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The feeling of slowly detaching yourself from where you started,
They're the person who supports you everytime.
The person who are willing to sacrifice themselves.
But then again, you see yourself away from them.

(Is it fine? is it okay? think and think.)

Mother, the one who gave birth to you.
Cherish you, care for you like a glass of wine.
Father, the one who provides your needs.
Love you, work hard for you to give what you need.

Like a grown tree,
From seed, they will grow taking nutrients from sun and water.
Days had past, turning into a little sprout.
Until it became years and years, now you're a grown tree.

So Ignorant for distancing myself,
Like an antagonist chastising them.
But, is it my fault that I feel like this?
Or, Both of us are the whose at fault.

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