Chapter 10: Today Could Be The Day!

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As night fell, the Kings, their Ladies and Ajax's Maidens were given a tour of Xaja's Aviary, suspended from the top of the dome. Ajax paused at the sight of a badly maimed bird with wires and tubing sticking out of its broken wing. "Yes, many of our birds are biomechanoids," Xaja said. "They represent about 40% of our current stock. Their presence improves the health of the more gregarious species. We rely on them less than we used to. Our biological stocks had increased enough that we were considering phasing them out."

"So you're breeding new birds now?" Ajax asked.

"Oh, no, that would take far too many permits," Xaja said. "Many of these species are endangered or extinct on their homeworlds. Fertile specimens are carefully registered and regulated, as are facilities that breed them. Some could be quite destructive outside their natural ecosystems. Then there are a few intelligent enough that they would be eligible for legal personhood in the Star Union's territory. Like this one, here."

He paused at a well-tethered purple avian two Cubits tall. It had a long, bony tail, clawed wings, and a mouth that held both a hooked beak and a row of serrated teeth. Persephone, herself only two Spans taller than the bird, started to reach for it. Daffodil moved to stop her. The Maiden withdrew her hand of her own accord as soon as the bird turned its indifferent but utterly baleful gaze turned toward its master.

"Oh, she would let you touch her," Xaja said. "It draws those who do not know her ways closer. You would not like what happens after that." He stroked the bird's neck feathers with a small comb on the end of a long metal rod. "Oh no, I know you, you lovely, evil thing. I should have destroyed you long ago, but when I look into those plotting eyes, I always think of my Lady." The bird made a low cooing and fluffed its feathers as Persephone groomed it in turn. Then it bit the rod in half.

Xaja turned back to Ajax. "She was cloned on a moon far from here, using tissue samples taken on a world where higher life was since destroyed," he said. "We get all our specimens from a network of reputable clonesmiths. There are certain disreputable ones, but even they would not dare to break the laws concerning clones capable of reproducing themselves. Not, at least, for a great deal more money than I could pay. The smiths offer to accelerate or entirely bypass the early stages of a species' lifecycle, but that can cause significant physical and mental side effects. Our specimens are delivered as viable eggs. At first, we used biomechanoids to raise them. Now, we place them in the nests of the biological birds in the habitat, and the adults tend to them as their own. That also improves the well-being of the birds."

From the aviary, they returned to the luxury observation craft that had brought them. It was shaped like an enormous lens, thick enough for a lounge area in the leading edge. A half dozen startlingly quiet ducted fans kept it aloft. They all dined at Xaja's table in the starboard side of the lounge, while select guests screened for actual talent sang on stage. At the moment, Cerasa was giving an especially risqué performance of "Heartbeat", with frequent glances and gestures toward her husband. "Oh, we're going to be on later," Daffy said. "I'm so happy..."

"We could work you in," Xaja said to Mel. He turned to Ajax. "She was in a Myrmidon metal band, once. They say she bought her ship out of impound performing in a park in Tau Gamma..."

After a time, Mel clasped Ajax's hand again. "Let's go for a walk."

The lounge intersected with an already broad fuselage. To the rear, it split into two levels. Below were staterooms and observation decks that gave panoramic views of the forest below. Above, there were luxury cabins and a recreation area for those who paid a premium for it, and at the very rear, an open observation deck. An attendant admitted them, and offered coats. The normally warm air was indeed cold. They looked out at the repairs under way. Several square miles of membranous fabric had been used to seal the damaged section of the dome. In places, patches of snow and frost could be seen.

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