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Hello readers sorry for late update iwas little busy with family and festivals yk and Happy Dasshehra 🙏🏻💞✨ to you and your love ones🧿.......

3rd Person POV:

Shreyas Iyer, a talented and charismatic Indian cricketer, wakes up late for his training session at the Wakhande stadium.

He quickly rushes to get ready, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety for the day ahead.

As Shreyas arrives at the training ground, he realizes that he missed the opportunity to welcome the new physio of the Indian cricket team, Shrija Reddy.

"Arreh shrey tu mila nahi Shrija se ??? "Surya asked..

"Nahi yr late ho gyaa tha baad main mil lunga"
Shreyas replied ..

"Okay guys come-on Shreyas u too " coach called them and they went to the practice area.

As Shreyas was going to the practice area he thought 💭
*Yaar aj hi late hona tha kya mujhe*

He feels a pang of disappointment as he knows how important it is to make everyone feel welcome

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He feels a pang of disappointment as he knows how important it is to make everyone feel welcome.

Shreyas joins the team for practice, giving his all on the field. However, in a moment of distraction
"Arhhhhhhh" he accidentally injures himself while attempting a challenging shot.

The team rushes to his aid
concerned for his well-being.
"Shrey are u alright" "kya hua kaha lagi bhai"
Team were asking questions to him .
"someone called the physio" asked coach

The team decides to call Shrija Reddy, the new physio, to attend to Shreyas' injury.

Shrija, a cricket fan and a secret admirer of Shreyas, feels her heart race as she realizes she will be face-to-face with her favorite cricketer.

Shrija arrives at the training ground, trying to remain composed and professional. She assesses Shreyas' injury and starts treating him, all the while struggling to hide her excitement and nervousness.

Shreyas notices Shrija's shyness and finds it endearing.

He starts a conversation with her, trying to make her feel more comfortable.
"Hi Shrija I'm Shreyas Iyer and sorry I was late today so I was not thier to welcome" he said while smiling

"It's alright Mr.Iyer you don't have to be sorry " Shrija said smiling but in inside she was freaking out ...

"You can call me shrey or Shreyas Shrija " Shreyas said ..

"Okay shrey" she said and start doing her job shreyas had Little sprain nothing serious but Shrija suggest it will take 1 week
To continue his playing .

And the head physio also agree with her words

After few days...

Shreyas and shrija start talking and bonding

They discover their shared love for cricket and bond over their favorite players.

Shreyas and Shrija continue to spend time together during Shreyas' recovery period.

They have frequent conversations about their lives, dreams, and families, discovering more about each other's values and passions. 

Shrija's initial shyness starts to fade away as she becomes more comfortable around Shreyas.

She realizes that he is not only a talented cricketer but also a kind-hearted and genuine person.

Shreyas, captivated by Shrija's beauty and intelligence, begins to develop strong feelings for her.

He starts dropping hints about his attraction, hoping to gauge her interest.

Shreyas gathers the courage to finally confess his feelings to Shrija.

He plans a special surprise, taking her to a dance studio where they can combine their shared love for cricket and dance.

In the dance studio, Shreyas expresses his admiration for Shrija, telling her how much he appreciates her presence in his life.

He confesses that he has fallen in love with her and asks her to be his girlfriend.

Shrija, overwhelmedn, admits that she has also developed strong feelings for him.

They share a tender and passionate moment, sealing their newfound love.

Shreyas and Shrija's relationship blossoms as they navigate the challenges of being in the public eye.

They support each other through their respective careers, finding solace and strength in their love.

Shreyas and Shrija's families meet and instantly bond, strengthening their relationship further. They celebrate their love with a grand engagement ceremony, surrounded by family, friends, and teammates.

As Shreyas and Shrija continue their journey together, they inspire others with their love story. They become ambassadors for promoting love, respect, and equality, using their platform to spread positivity and make a difference in the world.


Hello readers i hope u liked this short chapter and hope @Shri_ja you like this chapter request by u ....
I'm kinda busy with family and festivals rn soo a very very late update and I'll try to update when I get little free plzz kindly wait a little cupcakes ❤️💖

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