im fallin for him

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nichole mm
*Rachel p.o.v*

I was so ready for lunch i was starving. We had 3 minutes left and they didnt want to go by. Finally the bell rung. I got up grabbed my stuff and headed fa the lunch room. When i got their jahmeel  was standing their waitin for me.

I walked up to him

"Hay" i said

"Hay what floor us your locker on" he asked

"This one why"

"Go get the stuff u need for your next class" he said


"Because were goin to a resturaunt for lunch" he said

We walked to my locker and got my things. At first i didnt want to give in but i decided to. We walked out to his car and drove in silence all the way to the restaurant. When we arrived he came to my side and opened the door.

We walked in the resturaunt. It wasnt as packed but there were a little bit of people. We sat at our booth and waited for the waiter to come.

"So.. what made u decide to bring me out here"

"Juss wanted to be nice and get to know u"

"Why would you want to get to know me"

"U seem cool and i aint the type of nigga to hold my tounge your actually pretty too."

"Hay my name is nichole MacDonald  and ill be your waitress today lets start off with your drinks what would u like sir"

"Umm ill take a large dr.pepper"

"And you"

"Um ill take a sprite"

"Okay ill be right back with your drinks and to take your orders" she says giving us  the menus"

We sat there and talked till our drinks came. He was actually pretty funny. He was a charm alright.

"Here's your drink ma'am and you sir. What would you like today?"

"Ill take a hamburger and fries "

"And for u young lady"

"Ill take a salad with ranch dressing please and thank you"

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