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Brick: "Damn" he exclaimed with drool forming around his mouth. Xylo's eyes turned from serious to soft, remembering how kind she was back then, how kind hearted. A few others felt an attraction to her beauty. Some of the women felt a bit jealous, Mairon looked at Salem with a dark look. If what his brother said was true, then that beauty was hiding a dark soul.

Xylo: "A long long time ago, a beautiful girl was locked in a tower by her cruel father" Xylo narrated, the screen turned from reality to one that looked like a book.

Kay: "Xylo?" she asked confused. Why was he narrating now? Everyone else felt the same, though Xylo's eyes held a great sadness only those who were closest to him could see.

Xylo: "He was not always that way. But when her mother died in childbirth, it devastated him" The books pages turned until it showed a picture of a grieving king shouting 'Get Out!' to the wetnurse whom was holding the kings crying daughter. "He vowed he would never lose his daughter. So he locked her away" the booked became animated and showed a young Salem in her room.

Bri: "Poor girl" she said feeling pity for Salem. Those like Magnus, Inpu and Nad who were closer to Xylo felt that something was off, It was clear that Xylo hated this girl, They wondered what happened to her. Hades looked confused, his son had never mentioned this woman before.

Young Salem: "Father, why won't you let me leave this tower?" she spoke as her father gave her a stuffed animal.

King: "My darling, you are my most precious possession" He spoke as he left, tears fell from Salem's face and onto the floor "I am protecting you from everything outside that could harm you" the camera changed to show Salem playing with blocks, soon men came in and began placing crates in her room. Her father came into the room making Salem smile.

Young Salem: "But i'll be careful. I Promise" The king rubbed his daughters head.

King: "This was your mothers tower. She loved gazing out this very window. Why would you want to leave it?" he asked as he walked out. Time flew past and Salem aged, she was looking out the window, she tried to reach out but she recoiled in pain.

Salem: "I just wish i knew what life was like outside this room" she said sad. The door opened and her maid stepped in holding a stack of books. Salem smiled as her maid approached her.

Maid: "Since you cannot go out into the world, perhaps these will bring the world to you" her maid spoke kindly as she placed to books onto Salem's desk. Salem picked up a book and time passed again, she read her books day and night fully enchanted by them. She closed a book and fell onto her bed clutching it to her chest.

Salem: "The world in these books, what a marvelous place" she said whimsically. She sighed "Tomorrow i'll be 16 and i have never even stepped outside" she said angrily throwing her book through her window. It was then she came up with an idea "huh" she exclaimed with a smile. One day her father came into her room, he looked aged and tired "Thank you, dearest father, for these wonderful gifts" she spoke curtsying before her father.

King: "Anything for my daughter on her 16th birthday" he spoke softly, Salem looked down at her feet and then looked back towards her father.

Salem: "There is one thing i still desire" she spoke. The king looked curiously at his daughter.

King: "What is that, my darling?" he asked

Salem: "Pen and paper, that is all" she asked nervously "I have read every book in this castle, and now there are none left" she spoke sadly "I would like to write my own stories" the king considered this for a moment.

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