Movie Stars | Actor Au.1

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Wally Darling...where do I even begin with that man?

Maybe I should tell you who he is first.

Wally Darling is a 25 year old man who's been I'm the industry since he was born, and I literally mean that, like, he was born on set.

Wally unfortunately doesn't have any known social media platforms because his life is quite private. He hardly ever does and interviews and only walks on the red carpet when something new is out.

That means that the only information we have is from his so-called high school classmates.


I jolted out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ring.

'Not again...' I thought. I seem to doze off quite often.

I picked up the phone, ignoring the fact that it was from an unknown number.

" this Y/n L/n...?" Someone asked over the other line. I nodded in response, confused as to how this person knew my name.

" Hello...? Anyone there?" The person asked.

" mistake..! Yes, I'm Y/n, and you are..??" I stuttered on accident.

" I'm Bobort from 'Comebeah Studios', you had your interview a few weeks ago and I just called back to say you got the job!" Bobert answered, causing me to smile.

" Thank you so much... When do I start?" I managed to say while holding back my tears.

" Can you come in tonight? If you can't, then-...."

" Of course! I'll be there!"



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