Chapter 7

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Diana's POV

Every Morning, Liam sends me such a loving text "Good morning princess. Slept well. x." The same during the night, just before we go to sleep "Good night baby, see you tomorrow beautiful x." Whenever I read his messages I would blush and get teased by Lisa.

The only thing that wasn't perfect was my friendship with Harry. It was like since the kiss that happened in the library changed everything. Harry won't even speak to me when I try to talk to him, when I'm with the group he always makes up some excuse to not be there and when I'm in his and Liam's room he is either not their or even if he's there he would just stare at us and not say anything. I even think that Li thinks something is wrong with Harry.

I was walking down the empty corridor towards my dorm room when I heard footsteps from behind me. Then I heard Harry's voice.

"How could you date Liam. Of all the people you could of dated you could of have dated, you are dating LIAM!" He shouted as he gave a look that he could kill someone.

"It's been a couple weeks Harry. Give up. I haven't even done anything to you so I don't get what you problem is." I told him before walking away from him but that really didn't stop him from catching up to me.

"So what your trying to say is that, the kiss we shared didn't even mean a single thing to you? And that I also don't mean a thing to you?" He argued back.

"I told you, that kiss meant nothing to me and of course you mean something to Harry. We're friends." I told him.

"I just don't want to be 'friends' with you Diana. I want to be something more than friends with you thats why I kissed you."

"To late Harry, I'm already dating..."

"Liam! I know. But how long is your relationship going to last? It's only going to last at least 2 months. He's going to be sweet to you now because there is no other girl for him to play around with but when he does find another girl, he's just going to ditch you and go after that girl." He interrupted. "I could give you more than Liam can give. I won't hurt you the way Liam is going to hurt you. Just give us a chance Diana and I'll show you that I'm better than Liam." He stopped me from walking by grabbing my hand and pushing me so I was against the wall.

"Harry, don't do this please" I whispered.

"I've tried...but I can't really do this anymore." His emerald green eyes stared me straight into mine before he shut them and leaned in as his lips was against mine. I didn't kiss back because I'm not the type of person to cheat. I tried to push him away but he was to strong for me.

I then got my strength I pushed him off me until I felt two hands grabbed hold of his shoulders, turning his body around and shoved him against the wall. It was Liam. He clenched his left fist tight before it connected with Harry's face. Harry was helpless as Liam's right arm still held him up against the wall.

"Liam! Get off him!" I struggled to pull him away from trying to kill Harry but I got him off.

"Diana, what was that for. I was not finished with him." He tried to protest but I didn't let go of him.

"No, that's enough"

"Fine!" He yelled. "But if you ever and I mean ever, I'll..." He began to speak before Harry interrupted

"You'll what Li? She deserves a whole lot better than you who is just a player and is going to go to the next girl you see!" Harry yelled at him.

"Stay the hell away from her or I'll definitely kill you Harry!" He shouted back at him while grabbing my hand and pulling me away.

It was slient in my dorm room. Li didn't go back to his room incase Harry was there and that he would lose it. I was lying down on my bed with Liam next to me.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked Liam.

"Did you kiss him back? Because from my view and the way it looked like you were kissing him back. And please tell me the truth." He asked me.

"I didn't kiss him back if anything I was trying to push him off me and thats why my arms were around his neck. I would never cheat on you Li." I told him.

"I don't want you around Harry anymore." Louis said to me.

"You do realise that I sit by him in lessons and we are friends meaning I can't exactly avoid him." I tried to explain to him but he just ignored me. I poked his cheek playfully, trying to make him smile which worked.

"Cheeky." He laughed, pulling me on top of him while I giggled. I looked straight into his beautiful sea green eyes which I adored so much. "I just don't want to lose you again, Diana. I already lost you once and I was absolutely crushed. Now that I got a second chance I'm never letting you go." He smirked before kissing me. "Also your laugh is cute." He said while tickling me to get me to laugh. I begged him to stop but he didn't until the door opened widely. A blonde haired girl, stepped into the room with bags and throwed them onto the spare bed.

"Hi?" I asked confusingly.

"Hi I'm Olivia. And you are? She asked while walking over to Liam, shaking his hand.

"I'm Liam." He said with his charming self.

"I better be off, but I'll see you tomorrow babe." He said while kissing me.

"I'm Diana" She didn't ask me what my name was so I thought I would just tell her.

Whatever... Is he your boyfriend?"

"Yes. Why?"

"How long have you been with him?" She smiled evilly.

"Not long"

"Oh pity! He's really hot right?" She laughed evilly

"I seem to think so"

"Well if I were you, I would keep an eye on him. Wouldn't want him sneaking around with anyone else now do we" She laughed, running her hand through her short blonde hair.

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