Chapter 1

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¨mom stop it please, you are squeezing me¨ I said.
¨I know I know sweetheart, it's just that you're my baby girl and I'm going to miss you, I don't want you to get hurt. Being a pirate is a dangerous job¨.
¨Mom I'm 18 now I can take care of myself I promise, and once I gather my crew members you don't have to worry about me being lonely¨.
My mom sighed as she gently hugged me,¨I know I can't stop you and I won't, but please just promise me you will try to stay out of harm's way¨.
I smiled softly and said,¨I can't promise you anything, as you said being a pirate is a dangerous job, but one thing I can promise you is that I'll be a great pirate¨.
¨ I know you will, just remember I will always believe in you¨, she said.¨I have to get moving now Mom before the sun starts to go down, goodbye¨ I said as I started to run down the hill into the town of capua. Now If you ever want to step up as a pirate there are three main things you need, A bounty, A pirate ship, and A pirate crew. A bounty is a wanted poster, a declaration to the world government, and a possible reward, all put out by the Marines. A pirate ship is ... well... precisely what it sounds like, and a pirate crew is a group of people that you spend your life out at sea with, they are like a second family you've never had.

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