Who Killed Our Royal Leader Ted?!

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           This story dates back to when there were no trees. The trees were all gone and no one had the Authority to plant more trees, because of Mr. O'Hair. Now because we Banned him from ever coming back so now we can finally have trees and no one has to pay for air all because of our new leader Ted. Ted is a wonderful leader because now we can have trees and live without paying for air but all that took a turn... Ted was murdered!

         Who knows who could've killed him? It wasn't me that's for sure. Everyone then turns to Mr.O'Hair now. The real question is how he would've gotten into town without anyone noticing, so we did the only thing we could do. We Apprehended Mr.O'Hair for questioning. As soon as he was in the chair of the detective room we started asking questions. He told us he didn't do it, so we took a lie detector test. The results came back positive though. That was strange. We all looked at each other puzzled. We all had the Assumption that it was him, but somehow it wasn't him so who could've done it? The other Alternative was to question his wife Audrey. Audrey was a kind soul and no one thought it was her, but either way, we still had to question her too. She showed Avid about us questioning her, but that was easily not questioned. We did the same thing that we did for Mr.O'Hair except since we knew that she didn't do it we didn't give her the lie detector test.

         Now we were at a dead end. Who do we question? People said to question The Lorax, but we would never do that, because he was our royal leader Ted's best buddy and part of Ted's royal counsel. The Lorax would never do such a thing anyway because he cared about the Earth and people. That's when I had an even better idea. We need to question The Onceler. We walked to his old creekety house and rang the doorbell and because we knew about the traps that for some reason were still there we ducked and dodged every single one of them except for Jimmy of course because Jimmy is just Jimmy.

       We walked inside and he wasn't there. He fled the country. Now he was more suspicious than ever. Why would he flee the country if not to hide from something? Something seemed Amis. It's either he did the murder or he is trying to hide from someone. Now the story starts getting interesting.

       We went back to the crime scene. Everything seemed off about it. I Abhored even the sight of the scene. It looked almost as if someone was trying to Bisect him into a million pieces. Ted looked very Abrasive and like he didn't want to fight back. Maybe he knew the Killer!?!

        This was getting heavy. I took out my magnifying glass and looked closely into the blood at the crime scene. Oh, My Goodness!!! How did we never notice this it was here the whole time and then all Of a sudden everything went black.....

         I woke up with a mild headache and tried to scratch my head but I was tied up. Everything was dark and then a door opened from afar and you would never believe it. The silhouette of the figure no wait a minute it was multiple figures none other than The Lorax, Audrey, and The Onceler!!! They walked up to me slowly and then The Lorax spoke up "Well, well, well look do we have here Detective Grammy Nora.". He sounded so ruff and his face was so weird booking that I couldn't even explain it. They all looked weird actually.

        Little did they know that I was one step ahead and BOOOM!!!! The door burst back open and my super top secret forces cornered all the murderers. "What the bleep*," they all said in unison. "HAHAHAHAHA" I laughed at them. "I was one step ahead", "Get them, boys!!" I added on. My super top secret forces came and untied me and we took them all to jail. I just wonder why they would've done all of this and for what?

         I walked into the jail and went to the newly put-in murders. "Why did you do it," I said with a smug look. "We did it because we wanted to be the royal leader," The Lorax said. "And because he was always the one everyone looked apun instead of me!!!" said his wife. I looked at The Onceler. "Why did you have a part in this?" I asked The Onceler. "I honestly just wanted to have a little more excitement in my life," he told me. I rolled my eyes at him. "I hope you guys have fun in jail!" I said. "Oh and don't be late to your exile!" I added.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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