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Bhumi gets nischay message as she did not wish him........


Abhishek and bhumi started searching    something for nischay but Abhishek see something that take his heart..........

He saw .........

He saw

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He took these dresses separately

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He took these dresses separately

Bhumi got so many clothes for nischay for his birthday and decided to pay now....

Abhishek insisted to pay but bhumi been stubborn pay the bill but before they leave bhumi saw ice creme so they decided to eat...


they finished the ice cream and reached the malhan house.
But bhumi is nervous because she is meeting them for the first time but Abhishek give her a sign that "she don't need to be nervous".

Finally Abhishek ring the bell🔔🔔
a second later dimple aunty open the door and smile at you.....

You smile and enter the house to take blessings from uncle and aunty and finally decided to suprise nischay....

So nischay is in his studio so we decided to suprise him upstairs so we take the cake and party popper and go upstairs.....

We knock the door and after he open the door he got

And he got suprised after seeing me.........
We hugged and decided to cut cake first ..........

add bhumi and imagine the name cake by bhumi...........

After we did chit chat with all and eat chole bhature made by dimple aunty....... But surprisingly nischay gave me a gift saying happy children's day😑😑😑

And bhumi decided to go home but Abhishek insisted to drop her because it's late so finally I agreed...........


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