chapter one

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Years ago  Bruce banner and Susan Ross were both scientists and in a  relationship  working on an experiment with gamma radiation  trying  to  recreation of  the  super soldier serum but an accident turned  Bruce and Susan into uncontrollable  rage monsters  as they hurt  Susan's sister  Betty  and  her father  general Ross  as Bruce and Susan blamed  themselves as the runaway  trying to find a cure as general Ross has sent his soldiers and has been looking for them  

Cut to present day as Bruce and Susan are meditating trying to keep themselves  calm  as it has been  158 days  without  incident  as they now live in  rocinha favela  Brazil    as Bruce is making food for him and Susan
As they watched TV while learning Portuguese  as later  Bruce and Susan go into an abandoned building as a trainer is teaching them self defense and meditation

Trainer: (in Portuguese)  let's work on both of your  breathing   (taps on his chest) here  emotion  (in English) uh fear  no good    so emotion

Bruce/Susan: mmhmm

Trainer: control 

(As all three breathing heavily)

Trainer: (in Portuguese)  use  your diaphragm     the best way to control your anger   is the control  your bodies
Control  your pulses   (in English) breathe   breath  

(He then slaps Bruce  as Susan started breathing in and out  trying not to get angry  as he slaps Susan  as Bruce and Susan's watches beep  showing  their heart rates )

Cut to later at a soda factory as Bruce and Susan work at  as  the boss called for them to look at the faulty controller for the conveyor belt   as Bruce and Susan tinker with the remote as they got it started again

Susan: we can make it  work for a while
But  you need um

Bruce: (speaking in Portuguese)

Boss: (in Portuguese)  I need a new factory

(They all chuckled)

Bruce: okay  okay

Boss: (in Portuguese) five months  you both have been helping me  out like this
Your both too smart for day labor
Let me put you both on  payroll

(As Bruce accidentally cuts himself as Bruce and Susan watched  the drop of blood fall into the soda shipment)

Susan: no no no  shut that off!  Turn it off!

(As both Bruce and Susan ran downstairs to find  the soda shipment as Bruce Susan and the boss shout to a worker to stop the conveyer belt as Bruce and Susan find were the blood landed  on the conveyer belt  as they whip it off  then Bruce glues his cut shut  as they tell the boss to go on as everyone went back to work  as Bruce and Susan didn't notice the blood was also on a soda bottle  as it was filled with soda and shipped to the US  )

Cut to later as Bruce and Susan helped a man load up his truck  as the man gave them each a exotic flower they needed as they went up to their house
As Bruce sat up his computer and satellite to to contact to a colleague that could help  Bruce and Susan  as they use code names  they we're Mr. Green and Ms. Red   as the colleague is named Mr. Blue as they tell him they got the flower  as blue tells them to take a high dose  of it  and  good luck
As Bruce and Susan cut up the flower into a wooden cup and mashed it up and mixed other chemicals with it then put it into a vile  as they put it into a machine to shake it up  as they each gave a drop of blood on a piece of glass as they mixed it with the flower  putting under a microscope as it didn't work again 

Bruce: no

Susan: damn it

(As they tell Mr. Blue  what happened as it had failed)

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