Is this a dream?

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Margo's Pov
As we walked to the beach Seth and I talked about some kids at school, family drama etc. We finally got to the beach and we went to the top of the cliff and sat there and admired the moon and told each other secrets and our dreams. "I had a dream that Leah got pushed off of this once, I was the person that pushed her." Seth said with a laugh at the end. I looked at him and I new that I truly loved him, that it wasn't just the imprint. It was pure love with help from the imprint of course. He turned to look at me and that made me blush but I didn't look away. The next thing I know we are leaning in, then it happened, I kissed Seth Clearwater for the fourth time in my life. (keep reading I know I put 4th) I felt fireworks, no wait, more than that. Bombs maybe? I don't really know but this is the happiest I have ever been in my entire life. We pulled away at about the same time and he leaned his forehead against mine and smiled as I giggled. He came face to face with me and he said "Wow, I would love to experience that again." as he blushed. I smiled and said "Then what are you waiting for?" He smiled and we leaned in again, this kiss was better then the one before it, this kiss was more certain, more passionate. he grabbed my waist and I ran my fingers through his hair and we both smiled into the kiss. I felt like we were the only people in the world. We pulled away and smiled at each other. I sat criss cross and I said "Remember the times we kissed when we were kids?" as I giggled at the memory. Seth laughed and said "how could I forget, the first time was at that wedding we had to go to when we were 5 and we saw the bride and groom kiss and I said to you that we should try that." I laughed and I leaned into Seth and he put his arm around me and I said "Ya Sue got a picture of it. The second time we were 7 and a kid in school called me ugly in class and I almost started crying and you went up to the kid and punched him in the stomach and said I was the most beautiful girl you had ever seen and then you kissed me." Seth laughed and said "Ya well that statement is still true and I got suspended for 3 days because of that!" I smiled and he said "The third time we were 13 and we saw Sam and Leah making out and I turned to you while we were at my house and just started kissing you, but you kissed back though." We both laughed. "Sue always said we were always a couple." I said. Seth kissed my forehead and said "My parents think we should get married.." I looked at him and he was blushing and so was I and at the same time we said "I agree with them!" We both looked at each other shocked and laughed and we shared a short kiss. I looked at him and I sighed. I think it is time to tell him about the whole Wolf situation, and imprinting. "What's wrong?" Seth asked worriedly. I took a big breath and looked at him...
To be continued

Cliff hanger ✌🏽️
Hope you enjoyed

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