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MANIC: 7/10, does not look that bad honestly, albiet the art looked more promising before manic was actually added in game. im gonna miss carneline... ANWAY, continuing on...

DAGODA: 7/10, i like it, but i for one feel that dinosaurs shouldnt be in the kp or tfe universe, whichever one it is... just my opinion

MELON SHORK: 6/10, again, i may have bad taste, but i prefer the old design, along of many others because of how simple the previous design was. simple and goofy-looking, sure, but still simple and recognizable

PSEUDO SHORK: 2/10, ...i dont know where to begin. the face, the skin, the fact it has both gills and fur... dont get me wrong, the art for it looked pretty good, until it was added in game...

SATURN: 4/10, wow, another gootrax that didnt get redesigned... never really liked saturn, so i give it a 4/10 (as said before!!! omg!!)

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