Hello Lover 😘

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Two Month Later Time Jump
Fatima and Zac have been dating for two months. Zac gets Fatima comfortable to move in with him. Heather moves out of the guest house and into an apartment downtown with her boyfriend. They share custody of Zac Jr.

Scene sets as Fatima is setting the candles up and roses all over the floor and she puts on some sexy lingerie for Zac. He comes thru the door and he gasp at Fatima she motions for him to come closer he does. He kisses her and she kissed him back she then unbuttons his pants and takes his shirt off she pulls his pants all the way down to his socks and then his underwear she looks at him and then takes off his socks. She leads him to the bathroom and they get in the tub she washes him and he washes her she smiles at him.

Zac: Damn what did I do to deserve a woman like you
Fatima; Nothing I love you Zac
Zac: You know I love you too (the doorbell rings and they both look at each other)
Fatima: Who is that?
Zac: I don't know who it is but I will get rid of them?
(He goes to get up and Fatima stops him)
Fatima: No Zac
Zac: It will be fine Fatima I'm be back . (He gets out the tub and puts a towel on them he goes to answer the door)

Davonte: Hi is Fatima home?
Zac: Who are you? (Takes the gun out) Easy man chill
Davonte: No you chill (bang bang bang)

Fatima:(jumps out the tub) Zac Zac (she goes down the stairs)
Davonte; (steps in her way)Did you miss me?
Fatima: (jumps back)Davonte what are you doing here?
Davonte; I am here to see you
Fatima: Leave Davonte
(She looks over at the door and sees Zac she runs by his side)
Davonte: Leave him come with me
Fatima: No (she tries to run to the phone)
Davonte: It's dead (Fatima looks at him) Now stop playing and get dressed we got a long drive.

(Fatima wakes up screaming and hollering Zac wakes up and turns on the light)
Fatima: (looks at him) Zac Oh Zac baby (he holds her)
Zac: What was your dream about?
Fatima: He is out of jail I can feel it Zac
Zac: He is not out of jail baby
Fatima: Yes he is
Zac: He is not Fatima he went back to jail after he got out when he came and almost attacked you look baby we are okay we are not even in Chicago anymore
Fatima: Zac I don't trust it
Zac: Baby we are good okay look at me (she looks at him) We are good I love you (he kisses her)

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