Chapter 2

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Sam watched that quick but impactful interaction happened. She observed without a readable emotion on her face, simply observing her peers, reading reactions and body language.

She had seen this coming from a mile away. She knew Tucker would find his voice and confront Emma. It's not like Sam felt bad for her, Emma had put a bad taste in her mouth the first time they met, so Sam and her stayed clear of one another.

As she was watching everyone's reactions, mainly Emma's friends, one caught her eye in particular.

Jay. He used to be Tucker's friend a long while back but they gradually drifted apart. It was nothing serious, they just found different friends and different lives.

As Sam studied Jay more she realized that this was one of the rare times she couldn't read an expression. If she had to take a wild guess he looked happy...but confused...and sad, perhaps hopeful. What an odd combination.


She jumped when she suddenly heard her friend, Casey, whisper in her ear, startling her on purpose. She shot Casey a glare, to which the other girl snickered. "Don't do that." Sam said simply, a demand that would not be met.

"Well maybe you should stop staring at people then." Casey had a point, Sam considered. It was weird watching people and just reading their expressions.

"Casey, you can see so much about a person by watching them." Sam tried to justify her odd behavior.

"I think you mean stalking them." Casey said with a grin before sneaking away as the bell rang.

Sam turned around with a huff, heading to her own class. She wasn't a stalker, was she?

As she went into her first class, it was more hushed than usual. On normal days, the sound was so loud you could hear it down the hallway. Today was not a normal day.

She made her way to her seat through the thick tension and sideways glances to her seat behind Tucker. He seemed to have some turmoil within his mind, so Sam decided to tap him on the shoulder.

When he turned around, she could see the concern on his face, red with embarrassment. Understandable, considering he had a pretty public breakup five minutes prior.

"Hey," she tried to keep the mood relatively calm, " Good job man. That must have taken a lot." Tucker cracked a smile at that and smiled while expressing his thanks for her support. "I'm always here if you need me." He gave her another soft smile and said, "I know." Before he turned back around to face their teacher as she began to talk.

She began where they left off on Friday prior and resumed the notes. They were studying Jupiter and four of its moons, Io, Callisto, Europa and Ganymede. She had just started explaining why they were named what they were named when the door opened.

Jay walked in, seemingly without a care in the world.

"How kind of you to join us, Jay." Their teacher, Mrs. Roxen said before gesturing for him to sit down. She always gave a bit of an attitude when someone was late, but never gave detention.

Jay sat down in his assigned seat next to Tucker. Jay looked at Tucker with that same odd expression from earlier and said, "You alright man?" With an unusual caring tone of voice. How out of character for him. Tucker nodded and continued taking notes.

That's when I realized Tucker's friend Luke from across the room, motioning and trying to say something while trying to be discreet (he wasn't). He kept pointing at Jay and saying something like Reebok?

It took Sam a minute before she realized what he was saying. Rebound. Luke wanted Tucker to rebound with Jay. What was their master plan there? Make Emma think she turned him gay as revenge? Not a smart idea but then again it was Luke.

Tucker repeatedly shiok his head as embarrassment crept into his face again. They went back and forth like this until Jay caught wind and glared at Luke to get him to stop.

When he stopped and turned back to the front, Jay leaned in to talk to Tucker. "The hell was that about?" He whispered. Sam could barely hear Tucker's response, but she was pretty sure he said something like, "You don't want to know."

Okay this is another quick one, a bit of an intro to another main character, Sam!

(btw i didn't name it after me, sammy isn't my real name just my internet persona i guess)

I will update more regularly, at least once a week

anyway, much love!

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