Replacing Beta

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"Don't let anyone lead you astray, just focus on my voice and OBEY."

"Uhh hello?" said a voice from in front of Tape Girl.

"Huh? Oh sorry could you repeat that please?" asked Tape Girl, looking down at a small girl standing in front of the prize counter.

"Oh sure. I asked if I could swap these tickets for a Chica plushie."

"Yep no problem!" replied Tape Girl, handing her a Chica plushie. Working long shifts at Freddy's was tiring and not to mention the 'glitch' in the game.

Ever since Fazbear Entertainment found that strange code and added it to the game, hoping it would make it better, she had seen a weird character that she had never seen before. It appeared to be a bunny outlined in purple. It had a large smile on its face but it didn't appear to be friendly like the recognizable Bonnie Bunny.

"Hey Tape Girl!" called a voice. She spun around to see Matt walking towards her. "Are you ready to take over as the lead Beta Tester?"

"Yeah I am but I can't believe that they are going to fire Beta so soon," she replied.

"Yeah it's sad but he really went crazy," Matt responded. "But guess I saw it coming, he was acting strange and I think it was for the better that he might be fired.

"What is that supposed to mean? I thought you liked him?" Tape Girl said, getting slightly annoyed. Beta was one of her best friends and had been for a long time.

"I do but I also like hanging out with sane people." Tape Girl stormed off annoyed, sad and angry. Why can't Matt just realise the pain I am going through now and at least try to be normal for one day instead of his 'goth boy' act? Tape Girl walked up to the testing room where Beta was. He seemed to be talking to someone that was not there. Maybe it is for the best that he is fired. "Uhh Beta? Can I talk to you for a second?" He looked up at her and she could barely recognize him. He had bandages covering his face and his usually amber eyes were now white.

"Yes?" said Beta.

"What happened to you? You look so different from your normal self," Tape Girl cried.

"Look I honestly have no idea what has happened but all I know is that there is some sort of glitch in the game and it is not supposed to be here. I have seen it but no one else has. They think I'm crazy."

"I've seen it too and I've been trying to get rid of it." Tape Girl muttered. She walked off to the tape room, where she kept all of her recordings for other testers in the game to find. If they have been listening to the tapes I have recorded, maybe they can get rid of this glitch before it destroys us all.

Tape Girl screamed as a bunny figure appeared to her and to her dismay, she realised it was the glitch that was trapped in the game. "Hello Tape Girl '' said the glitch. "My name is Glitchtrap and I just wanted to say thank you for bringing me back into the game." As Tape Girl tried to understand what Glitchtrap was talking about it suddenly hit her. The binary code I found! That is what released her!

Glitchtrap smirked. "I see you have figured out how I came to be. Well I was once a human, a killer to be precise. I killed kids but one day, their souls chased me around a room. I put on a springlock suit thinking that it would scare them away but it caused my death. I took many other forms before this one. I was burning in a fire but I had been prepared. I had coded my soul into the binary code and waited to be released and thanks to you, I can kill again."

Tape Girl stood there shocked, taking all of this in.

"If I am going to take over the world, I will need some followers. If you follow me, you must remember to Obey me." Glitchtrap held her hand out to Tape Girl. "Do you trust me?"

Tape Girl nodded and placed her hand on Glitchtrap's. 

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