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I feel the water rush against my skin as I sink deeper into the sea. When I'm surrounded by the water it all fades away because nothing can get me if I'm already drowning. This wasn't my favorite pastime before it all happened, in fact I never wanted to swim until I needed a get away. Now when I see the chance to dive deeper into the ocean I take it. The risk of not knowing if I'll resurface makes it all the more enjoyable. Why should I be worried? We only have one year left anyways.

I had a family before the news came out, both a mom and a dad. My dad, once he found out, decided he wasn't going to try for the next 11 years. My mom followed after but not from her own decisions. I think she died from a broken heart. I'm not the type to be sentimental but just the look in her eyes after he was gone could be proof enough she was fading away to be with him.

I swam to the surface after what felt like hours of relaxing in the deep sea. Drying off I slip my shoes back on and head for my home. Nothing many would expect to call home, but it was mine nonetheless. It was an abandoned shack just within a dark forest. I preferred it this way. Nobody could find me unless I wanted to be found.


While walking up to my lonesome home a girl passed by. What she was doing in the woods was beyond me. God, I hated social interaction but she truly was beautiful. But I wouldn't speak to her, one year left is hardly enough to meet people.
She had some dingy bike beneath her that would give out at any moment. It was a true miracle she could ride it even now. I watched as her brown hair blew behind her, she didn't say a word to me which made her all the more interesting. She wore a white sundress which told me enough about her. She wanted there to be sunshine in the last remaining year even though anyone who looked at the sky could tell it was going to rain till our last day.

Realizing I have spent too much time watching some overly optimistic girl ride past my secluded house I walk in and slam the door. Hopefully, that's enough to keep her away. If I had the time or care I would give her the chance. But, I don't care and will never have enough time for her so better to keep her off my mind. I flip the switch on in my house only to watch the lightbulb give up. Great. Recently people have stopped doing their jobs. I suppose electricity is going to be a luxury these next 12 months. I light some candles and scatter them around my home as the warm vanilla smell fills my nose. My mom always forced my dad to tolerate the vanilla scent that always filled our house. I must say she always had great taste with candle scents. I played my record player. The symphony filled the room as Frank started to sing "fly me to the moon". It was moments like these that I could appreciate life one more time.

Finally I lay in bed ready to rest from my adventures of yet another day. Pulling the blanket over my body I'm ready to sink not into the sea but into my dreams. They always seem to be more entertaining than whatever is happening in reality. However, tonight was different. All that was on my mind was the brown haired girl in the white sundress.

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