Sirmileofours as Jax and Crumbles!!!

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Okay...okay yeah I kinda actually asked one of my friends who I'd be and they said I'm kinda like Jax... I mean I do kinda act like him a little. BUT THAT ONE SMILE THO!!!!


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Yeah this one... omg I swear I actually turned gay for like half a second... any way I also play my own character named Crumbles, the depressed mime that has a huge crush on Pomni, he arrives a few hours after her and he only feels emotionally stable around her or Jax... sometimes the others but he absolutely hates Bubble for some reason.

This is Crumbles before he confesses to Pomni, after then his whole entire person gets more color to actually match her, besides being the only one that has the most depressing back story he's also one of the more caring individuals for most of th...

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This is Crumbles before he confesses to Pomni, after then his whole entire person gets more color to actually match her, besides being the only one that has the most depressing back story he's also one of the more caring individuals for most of the group. Literally he's more focused on keeping his friends in the circus happy than his own emotions, it's almost sweet but he kinda doesn't talk much except when he's alone with someone or if Pomni is near.

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