Forty Nine. Best Year Yet

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New Years Eve

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New Years Eve. We were in that weird place in time that is between Christmas and New Years, the time when everything seems to stand still and everything feels perfect in our cocoon. We'd spent almost an entire week in our pajamas with our house full of those we love most.

Slowly but surely our home had filled a little more each day until finally everyone was here. Anne had been beside herself when Harry woke her early Christmas morning and asked her to go for a walk with him around the block. As they rounded the corner he stopped in front of the ornate wrought iron gate and punched in a code and as the gate opened Anne had no idea what was happening.

He walked her to the front door and handed her the key and when they both returned to our home an hour later they both had red, teary eyes and Anne hugged me and choked back tears as she told me thank you. I assured her that it was all Harry's doing and she said it meant the world to her that I welcomed the idea of her being my neighbor and for giving her the chance to see her grandchildren every day. I teased her and told her I just wanted a babysitter every day.

I hugged her and my own eyes filled with tears as I told her she was stuck with me and that I was the lucky one for having her as the closest thing to a mother I'd had since my own had passed.

As Harry sat beside me we watched Flower open her presents and Harry was like a child as he bundled her up in some warm clothes and took her outside to the custom playhouse he'd had built for her that had been such a hard thing to hide since we'd been home.

Zayn made good on his promise and brought Gigi and Khai who were both lovely. Gigi teased Harry relentlessly about the ex popstar of his but he'd later tell me that she told him in private that I was perfect for him and that she was happy to see him so happy and settled.

Niall brought Amelia and the more I get  to know her, the more I think that this could be the one. He of course still continued to tease Harry about waiting for me to dump him so I could finally be with him. Amelia took it all in jest as I had hoped she would. Harry still swears Niall is only half kidding though.

We used the downstairs library room as kiddie central for tonight only as we knew we'd be up late ringing in the new year. Alexander of course was tucked into his crib upstairs so that he could get some good sleep without the giggles of the older kids keeping him awake.

Harry and Zayn made pallets on the floor for the kids to sleep on and they were so excited for their slumber party. Sarah and Mitch had checked in on baby Hendrix tucked into his bed in their room and we all checked in on the older kids together.

"That's not true. My Daddy says there are no such thing as ghosts." I heard London Rose's voice as I approached the room. Harry cast a curious glance my way.

We lingered outside the doorway to see if we could hear the topic of conversation.

"This place is so old. There HAS to be ghosts here. We can stay up late and see if we see anything." That would be the voice of Liam's son Bear. Harry chuckled softly to himself as he closed his eyes and took a breath.

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