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dear regulus,
it has been six years since your death, lyra and i have decided to move in together. i've also decided to have children with remus, i know you wanted them to know who you were and i will tell them. remus and i don't love one another romantically but we want to have children, remus is still in love with sirius as much as he wants to deny. since james and lily had died he's hated sirius since, i get it but i know sirius would never betray james and lily, he loved them. james and sirius were two peas in a pot, sirius and lily were like sister and brother, she was there when he was at his lowest missing you. she was the only person he'd tell that he missed you, lily had told me a few nights before she died. evan has been dead for five years now, lyra misses him like crazy, but we both know you two are together now, you probably already know this but evan and barty had a relationship, i hope they find one another one day, barty is a mess, last time i saw him he was going crazy. i've been to scared to come to terms with the fact you had loved me, i had always loved you and still do, i look for you everywhere. i feel like i could smell your expensive cologne but i didn't, it was just draco trying out new cologne's. oh yeah Narcissa have birth to a son, he came out looking like a clone of Lucius. Harry had been given to lily's side of the family since he should live a 'muggle' life. he's no muggle, he's my nephew, james and lily potters son. Dumbledore decided on that, he makes me so mad now, he's put innocent lives into danger because of his stupidity. Walburga died a few weeks ago, sirius obviously couldn't go, Narcissa, bellatrix, Lucius, draco, and cygnus with a few death eaters. your home is now empty since sirius is away, and your parents are dead and so are you. I'm officially 12 weeks pregnant, i'm quite big and the muggle doctors believe i may be having a boy.

yours sincerely
stephanie potter.

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