1. Fins are for Real [Wonbin x Anton]

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Wonbin loved his siblings almost as much as he loved the beach

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Wonbin loved his siblings almost as much as he loved the beach. He loved singing with his brothers at night and hanging with the sharks for lunch. What he didn't love is his siblings hatred for the beach. He was the youngest of them so they were very overprotective of him but it was very unnecessary in Wonbin's opinion.

He had never been hurt by hanging around the beach, the turtles and crabs there were his friends and always warned him of nearby dangers. Wonbin could be a little dense at times which is why he was glad he had sea friends to assist him on his journey.

Wonbin liked drying out on the beach, feeling the sand coat his body as his scales disappeared in replacement for smooth and milky skin. Humans scared him though, especially the ones who would flirt because he knew it would never work. Not unless Wonbin wanted to leave the ocean forever and he didn't think he could love anyone more than he loved the ocean.

The day started out normal, Wonbin woke up and greeted his siblings for breakfast, then met with his father for his Ocean History lesson. He pressed a kiss to his sleeping mother's forehead and then told his siblings he was heading up to shore.

"Binnie, you know the shore isn't safe around this time," His eldest brother, Shotaro says.

"Taro's right, this is hunting season for the humans, I don't feel comfortable letting you go," His other older brother, Jaemin says.

Wonbin almost wants to whine and stomp his feet like the youngest he is, but isn't the point to try and convince them that he was mature enough to go on his own. He crossed his arms over his chest and squared his shoulders, it wasn't meant to be threatening but rather to show his seriousness.

"Hyung, you know how I get when I don't dry out at least once a day, I'm going to feel so depressed and claustrophobic," Wonbin tries to reason with him.

Jaemin looks like he's seriously considering telling Wonbin yes, but Wonbin fights down his celebration because Jaemin hasn't actually said anything yet. He knew his brothers were only looking out for him but he was 21 years old now and they really needed to start letting him make his own decisions.

"You do get really depressed," Jaemin says.

"That's a chance I'm willing to take, not today Binnie, Hyung is scared you won't come back," Shotaro says, softly brushing his hand down the side of Wonbin's face.

Wonbin huffs and his eyes flash a tint of red showing his anger at being told no. However, when his brother's eyes flash back fully red he understands just how serious Shotaro was about this. That didn't mean he wasn't planning to sneak out. As if reading his mind, Shotaro calls to him while he's storming (swimming angrily) out of the common area.

"Don't think about sneaking out, I'll have Eunseok watching over you," Shotaro says.

Wonbin doesn't respond as he swims to his room. He's alone to come up with a plan for only three minutes before Eunseok swims in front of him like a guard dog. Wonbin immediately turns on his puppy dog eyes and faces his older brother. Eunseok's eyes flash gold, a sign of guilt before he pulls Wonbin to sit next to him.

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