Chapter oNe

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There was a movie made about my life a while ago, titled "Little". It was about a girl I didn't even know, who had the same name as me and similar physical traits as me. Only, the actor was beautiful and made me look like I was hotter than the average person. I didn't think my life was something that would be worth watching, and yet it made a lot of rich people richer. And of course I didn't't get a single penny out of this, I mean there wouldn't be a move if they knew where I was. And where I was, was right under their noses.

The thing is that, I was minding my business and all sitting at a cafe. Maybe or maybe not stalking Dice. And then I hear someone say my name. "I hope nothing bad happened to Ponoć, why do bad things happen to good people?" The girl who said this was holding her phone out and showing her friends a tick tok video. And in it there was a floating head of a guy explaining that the movie "little" was based on a true story as he had the poster behind him. Looked totally legit. I didn't think much of it and yet it bothered me for days. I didn't think my name was popular for people to say it out of the blue like that, and also those people were pronouncing it wrong. I searched it up and bam, there it was. The synopsis read:

Little follows the life of Ponoć Nikolic in her days before her disappearance.

Wow, what a shit synopsis.
And a even bigger WOW after I had watched the tragic story that was my life. A mute twenty-five year old struggles in life and disappears. She must have felt so little when she was kidnapped, because clearly there was signs off it. Which there weren't, because I was not kidnapped.

Remember when you were a kid and you would wonder what super power you would want? And everyone wanted to be invisible. Well I got my wish. To be invisible and transparent. I wrote my wish down to the exact details I wanted, because you know what they say right? Be careful of what you wish for. So I made it very clear that I didn't only want to be invisible, but also I'd have the power to move through objects and people if I wanted, I mean imagine becoming invisible and then you bump into a fucking wall. Also my clothes would become invisible too, I did not want to be naked. No thank you.

Any way, they turned my life into a horror documentary kinda shit with romance and everything. Based on a true story my ass. I always thought my life was more like a cute vibe. Like pastel colours, soft girl core. Not a god dam thriller, R rates romance, horror. Like I do not appreciate the sex scene. Fucking western television. And the fact that my parents are okay with this further highlights that it was a good thing that I left. I want to go up to the producers and put a gun at their head and demand that they make my move a slice of life kawaii genre. Something like a million yen girl, little garden, or a studio Ghibli movie.

All this kept me entertained for about a week and then I was bored again. But one thing that always made me happy was being around Dice. When I got my powers there were other people with me. It was like a fever dream. One day out of the blue I woke up in a beautiful old Victorian garden with a couple of other people. And then we were told to ask for a power of our choosing. We were chosen apparently because of the fact that we were good people. Whatever that meant. Then they took us one by one and asked us to submit our wish. I asked them if there was a god and if it or they existed and if there was a hell because I didn't want to go there. And no answer. What a load of crap. So I also included not being able to feel anything just in case my power lasted after I died and I could just turn invisible and not feel the fires of hell.

So to explain who Dice is, she is this really gorgeous girl, with long black hair styled in a hime cut, and caught my eye. Ever since that day at the weird make a wish garden, I've been wanting to talk to her, and maybe do more with her. Things my movie self did with the heterosexual white male. But I was too much of a pussy to do anything. Oh how I wish I had the organ of courage. Instead I was genetically cursed with being a coward and being nice. Believe me I do not think I'm a good person, but I am genetically cursed to be a good person, and this isn't me trying to brag. Honestly, have you never seen those movies with bad guys and the plot explains their bad nature on genetics, the same can be said about good people then. And sometimes my mental struggles, such as anxiety and being a 'good' person feels like they belong in my body's as if they were organs that were physically there with me. So I wish like a greedy pig that I had the courage to talk to her. What was her super power wish?

So that's why I was maybe stalking her. I'm not weird or anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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