3 (Final) : October

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October 3rd

Everytime you came to school I always noticed a couple more bruises or bandages than the other day. Today after school I stayed after to help a teacher and peeked in the classroom like last time. I saw you again like last time but this time you sat against the classroom wall I heard you crying trying to cover your face, while they were full of tears. I walked away from the classroom this time and didn't enter unlike last time. I was to afraid to walk in and seeing you in tears on the floor. I wish I could've walked in and said something to make your pain go away but I'm a coward and pathetic, I just couldn't.

October 12th

Ever since then I've never seen you smile or look out the window at the sky even when it snowed or was a clear blue sky. You never turned your head and only looked straight. Still every day you came to school with new bandages or bruises and you started to look more pale then you used to and unhealthy. You never brought bentos anymore and always went outside on that bench just to sit only with your scarf which you would think was cold. Today I grabbed my stuff about to leave when I felt the edge of my sleve tugged on. I turned around to see you smile a huge smile the biggest one I've seen. "Thank you."
I heard you say softly as you started to walk away leaving me standing there.

October 19th

After that day you didn't come to school or that day's after that up until now. At the beginning of class the teacher stood up front and cleared his throat. "For a couple day's she's been absent." I sat up after hearing him knowing he was talking about you.
"I was told to infrom you that Miu Yoshioka is dead." The class all started talking and grew into a loud whisper as they talked about what happened.
During class I couldn't concentrate thinking about how your dead I was sad but didn't even shed a tear. I started thinking about other things to keep my mind off your death like how your names Miu Yoshioka. After class I went home and thought about how you died I wondered how only to think myself asleep.

October 20th

I woke up the next moring and took off to school and slid my hands in my pocket to feel a peice of folded up paper which I unfolded to read

Dear Nao,

You don't know me but im the girl who sits in front of you. You can probaly tell by the bruises and cuts but ya I've been being bullied. I want to thank you first I remember coming early to school once and I peeked in the classroom to see you wipeing off my desk. I started noticing things weren't hapening often and relized it was you who helped me. Now it became physical as in being beaten so I couldn't take it. Im sorry but they probaly didn't tell you but I killed myself. I had a good time smiling knowing that someone cared enough to come early to school everyday. Thank you

I slid the letter into my pocket letting a tear fall down my face to wipe it away. I thought I was the only one seeing her but she also saw me. Even though the time I found out she died didn't move me to tears, maybe they we're waiting until now to let me cry so much.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FIN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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