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[Kerberos mission, 9-26-21]

[SHIROU, MATTHEW HOLT, and SAMUEL HOLT are on Kerberos collecting ice samples.]

SAM: Careful, Matt. This ice is delicate.
MATT: Amazing... Isn't this exciting, Shirou?
SHIROU: I guess you guys get more excited about Ice Samples than I do.
SAM: But this is history in the making! Not only have we traveled farther than any human before us, but these samples could give us information about life outside Earth.
MATT: Just think about it. We could use this research to be the first people to meet aliens!
SAM: It'd be my life's work completed.

[The ground begins to shake, starting low at first and building to a full body-rocking tremor]

SAM: What the- Seismic activity?
SHIROU: We should get back to the ship.

[An alien warship suddenly appears on the horizon]

SAM: no...
MATT: It can't be-
SHIROU: Run! Come on, Run!

[The three try to run, but they're not fast enough and are captured. SHIROU awakens on the warship to the voice of an UNNAMED COMMANDER speaking to the EMPEROR via video feed]

COMMANDER: Emperor Kayan, we found these... primitive scientists at the edge of system X-9-Y.
KAYAN: Good work, commander. Take them to the holding cell and bring them to us. The druids will find out what they know.

[the video feed cuts.]

SHIROU: P-Please! we mean you no harm— We're from a peaceful planet! We're Unarmed!

[The COMMANDER knocks SHIROU unconscious. SHIROU wakes up briefly as he and MATT are dragged through a hallway by ARMORED GUARDS. He blacks out again.]

[one year later, three cadets are flying a ship to Kerberos]
LANCE: Galaxy Garrison flight log 10-11-22. Begin descent to Kerberos for the rescue mission.

[the ship jerks while descending]

HUNK: Lance, could you keep this thing straight?!
LANCE: Relax, bro! I'm just getting a feel for the stick. I mean, it's not like I did this!

[LANCE speeds the ship up for a few seconds, making HUNK shake due to the inertia. PIGEON groans.]

PIGEON: Hey, come on. Let's just get this over with!

[PIGEON's monitor lights up.]

PIGEON: We're picking up a distress beacon from below.
LANCE: Finally. Alright, Look alive, team! Pigeon, track their coordinates.
PIGEON: copy.

[the ship starts to rumble softly. Alarms blare.]

HUNK: Seriously, knock it off, man!
LANCE: Oh, this one's on you, buddy! We've got a hydraulic stabilizer out.

[HUNK pulls down his monitor]

HUNK: Oh, yep. Sorry.

[HUNK Slides his chair over to the hydraulic stabilizer holder. It appears to have been knocked loose.]

PIGEON: Hey, hurry that up! I've lost contact. The shaking is interfering with our sensors.
LANCE: Come on, Hunk!
HUNK: I'm working on it!

[HUNK unbuckles his seatbelt to fix the stabilizer. LANCE's monitor activates.]
LANCE: You better fix that soon, because thar she blows. Preparing for approach on visual.
PIGEON: I'd rethink that if I were you, considering our current mechanical issues.
HUNK: Almost got it... there-

[HUNK is thrown out of his seat as the ship begins to descend. The ship stops shaking.]

LANCE: See? Nothing to worry about, this baby can take it. Can't you, darling?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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