Chapter 8

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We walk down the aisle and into the dance room in the venue.

"Why is everyone staring at us like that?" Nandini asks as we make out way to the centre of the dance stage

"Because we just got married"

"No but like you see her, she is smirking" she whispers pointing out nyonika

"She is my mother"

"Oh mhm whoops I'm sorry" she mumbles placing her hand on her mouth

"All good, we hate her"

"Oh okay, thank you for the memo" she says nodding

I wrap my arm around her waist pulling her to me, her right hand rests on my left as we sway a little bit.

"This looks so bad" she giggles

"What does?"

"like people look scared"

"They should be" I reply

"Haha why? It's not like you are dangerous"

i chuckle hearing her

"I am, they are all afraid of me and so should you"

"No sir, why would I be afraid of you" she says

i smile kissing her head

"Manik" I hum looking in her eyes

"I like you in a suit" I grin hearing her

"I have been told" I whisper

"By who?"

"my ex" I lie

"Yeah, did she tell you how bad you at lying as well?"

I wasn't surprised she knew I was lying, in these past week, nandini has started picking up on my moods, my tone, if I am lying or not, im not sure how she does it but she does

"No she didn't"

"She should have because you are lying"

"Shut up"

"Make me" I smirk a little

Only if she knew how I could make her and how I would make her.

"Don't test me"

"Or what?" She asks as I spin her bringing her back to my chest


"Or?" She resorts looking in my eyes

"I may throw you on our bed and fuck you till our room has witnessed all our love" I whisper

She gasps making me smile a little.

Her eyes search mine to see if I was lying but I wasn't and that realization causes her cheeks to turn bright red

"Don't be blushing now"

"Shh, I don't hear you' she mumbles

"But I hear you so just know that I will make you cum to the point where you beg me to stop but then beg again to continue feeling that knot in your stomach" her cheeks turn brighter

"More" she whispers resting her head on my chest

"Your cheeks aren't going to be the only thing red nandini, your ass cheeks are going to have my print on it, your body marked mine with every kiss and every mark I leave on you"

"Mhm" I smile seeing her so flustered

"Our room is sound proof but fuck, I am tempted to make you moan my name so loud, so the walls have witnessed our love for hours and days. These lips, they aren't the only ones ill be kissing" I whisper

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