Episode 1 - "All Heroes Vs. All Villains"

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Ok so I realized that i mixed up Samey and Sammy lol. I'm too lazy to fix that sorry, just deal with it for this ONE episode lol.

Chris: "Welcome dear Total Drama fans to Total Drama All-Stars 2! This season we're bringing back 40 of our old friends to compete in yet another Total Drama season!"

Chris: "Our cast will be competing for the biggest cash prize yet that is 5 Million dollars!!"

Chris then pulls out a briefcase that contains the prize money inside.

Chris: "Speaking of our cast... here they come now!"

Chris points over to a plane that flies over the beach shores.

Chris: "Now.. I assume you already know who most of these people are. So...."

Chris then takes out a walkie talkie.

Chris: "CHEF! Just push everyone off the plane!"

Shortly after that, Chef pushes all 40 of the contestants out of the plane. They all hit the hard ground with a loud "THUNK!" The contestants all rise up, looking mildly dazed. They quickly shake it off, though, and start checking themselves for injuries. The cast are the following: Heather, Alejandro, Courtney, Justin, Sierra, Izzy, Ezekiel , Scott, Jo, Lightning, Mike, Dakota, Sugar, Scarlett, Samey, Sky, Bowie, Julia, M.K, Ripper, Gwen, LeShawna, Owen, Tyler, Lindsay, Beth, Harold, Brick, Anne Maria, Dawn, B, Cameron, Jasmine, Shawn, Amy, Dave, Priya, Zoey, Raj, and Wayne

Izzy: "Woah- hahahaha, that was fun!"

Alejandro: groaning in pain "Maybe not for everyone..."

M.K: groaning also in pain "Why couldn't Chef just land the plane instead of just shoving us off it."

Chris: "It's all about starting the game with a bang! If Chef just landed the plane, that'd be boring now, wouldn't it?"

LeShawna tries to get up but Harold suddenly approaches her.

Harold: "Ma' lady, do you need help getting up?"

LeShawna rolls her eyes before allowing Harold to help her up.

LeShawna: "Thank you Harold baby, but don't you use that "ma' lady" crap with me. Save it for your next medieval RPG."

Amy: In a whinny tone "Augh- my shoes are filled in sand! Sammy, switch shoes, NOW."

Samey: "No." She says as she crosses her arms

Samey turns around and attempts to walk away but Amy grabs Samey's arm and attempts to yank her shoe off.

Samey: "Hey-! Let go!"

Amy manages to get Samey's shoe off and puts it on. They both stand and glare at each other.


Amy: "After Pahkitew Island, my useless twin sister became even MORE useless! She has been disobeying me and I have to do everything I tell her to do by myself!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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